Year 3 Autumn end-of-term Written A Class achievement record Pupils’ names Objectives Q. no. Know by heart addition and subtraction facts for pairs of numbers that total up to 20 1a Rehearse pairs of multiples of 10 that total 100 1b Count on and back in 100s from any number 2, 5 Add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number, bridging a multiple of 10 3a Add a 1-digit number to a 3-digit number, bridging a multiple of 10 3b Say the number that is 1, 10 or 100 more or less than a given number 4 Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, crossing a multiple of 10 6a Subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number, not crossing a multiple of 10 6b Understand multiplication/division as repeated addition/subtraction 7a, b, c, 12 Understand division as the inverse of multiplication 7d Find unit fractions of numbers 8 Read the time to 5 minutes on analogue and 12-hour digital clocks 9, 15a Know by heart doubles of numbers up to 20 and the corresponding halves 10a, 11a Derive doubles of multiples of 5 up to 100 and the corresponding halves 10b, 11b Understand division as the inverse of multiplication 13 Recognise non-unit fractions 14 Solve problems involving time: say the number of minutes earlier or later than a given 5-minute time 15b Solve a given problem by organising and interpreting numerical data in simple lists, tally charts and frequency tables 16 Classify and describe 2D shapes, including quadrilaterals 17 Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Year 3 © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007