Peter Hills with St Mary’s & St Paul’s CE Primary School LONG TERM CURRICULUM PLAN BY YEAR GROUP Year 5 Spring Autumn Topic English Maths Summer 1 2 1 2 1 2 Seventeen States (West Africa) Off with her head! (The Tudors) To infinity and beyond! (Outer Space) Eco-friendly (Eco issues) Grand designs (Architecture) Victorian & Albert (The Victorians) Report Narrative Number, place value, negative numbers, roman numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions. Narrative Persuasion Decimals, percentages, perimeter, area, volume, statistics, addition, subtraction. Narrative Poetry Fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement, statistics, problem solving, length, mass, capacity. Earth and space Properties and changes of materials Explanation Biographies Number place value, addition, subtractions, decimals, length, perimeter, volume, area, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, multiplication, division. Animals including humans Architecture Victorians Narrative Newspaper report Number, place value, addition/subtraction, angles, multiplication, division. Poetry Play scripts Fractions, percentages, time, statistics, mass, capacity, multiplication, division, position and direction. Forces Science Living things and their habitats Computing History Multi media and word processing, investigation and data logging, gaming, research. West Africa Tudors Geog West Africa DT Long term plan by year group Our blue planet Architecture Textiles – fashion. Make a piece of Construction: building a model of a building Investigations based on selected topic Textiles – Victorian samplers clothing from recycled materials. Art Music Batik – West African print Don’t stop believing Portrait painting Tudor style Blues Observational drawing light/shade. Class Jazz 1 PE Gym Tag rugby Dance RE Miracles Faith in action PHSE Other people, Sukkot Christmas Challenging stereotypes Revision of year 4 + Opinions. Hampton Court Globe Theatre Nationalities and languages. Science museum Greenwich Observatory different people. Economic resource and sustainability Benjamin Britten – a tragic story. Oceans, seas and rivers. Athletics/cross country Saints Easter Media information Stop! Maths Reflect, rewind, replay Rounders Football Pentecost The five pillars of Islam Relationships, puberty and emotions around this. SRE Nationalities and languages. Recycling plant Cross-curricular. Cross-curricular. One or two days visits to the outside of: The Shard, Tower of London, South bank, Senate house, the Gherkin, Houses of Parliament, Lloyds of London, Barbican, ST Paul’s Cathedral. Ragged School Different identities in Peer pressure and drugs SRE the UK MFL Revision of year 4. Trips African drummers (visitors) Community visitors from West Africa (link to cultural heritage and Black History) Long term plan by year group