Year 3 Summer end-of-term Written A Class achievement record Pupils’ names Objectives Q. no. Recognise odd and even numbers up to at least 100 1, 18 Understand division as grouping 2a, b, c Find remainders after simple division 2d, 10 Multiply by 10 and 100, shifting the digits 1 or 2 places to the left 3 Use known facts to multiply a multiple of 10 by a 1-digit number 4 Know by heart the multiplication facts for the 4 times table 5a Derive division facts corresponding to the 4 times table 5b Know by heart the multiplication facts for the 5 and 10 times tables 6a, b Know by heart the multiplication facts for the 3 times table 6c Derive division facts corresponding to the 5 and 10 times tables 6d, f Derive division facts corresponding to the 3 times table 6e Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions 7 Say the number that is 1, 10 or 100 more or less than any 2- or 3-digit number 8 Find a difference between two 2- or 3-digit numbers by counting on 9 Count on in 5s to 100, and in 50s to 1000 11 Begin to use a calendar 12a, b Use units of time and know the relationship between them: years, months, weeks, days, hours 12c, d Use informal written methods to record subtractions for 2- and 3-digit numbers 13 Round up or down after division, depending on the context 14 Begin to use column addition to add 2- and 3-digit numbers 15 Use doubling to find new facts (×4) from known facts (×2) 16 Rehearse £.p notation 17a Find totals, give change and work out which coins to pay 17b Classify and sort data according to one or two criteria in Venn and Carroll diagrams 19 Find unit fractions of numbers 20 \ Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Year 3 © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007