Rising 3rd Grade

Dear Rising Third Graders,
Are you excited about third grade? We are so excited for the upcoming year and can’t wait to meet
you. You will be learning a lot about math and science. In order for you to be a successful learner, you
will need some resources to help you prepare. Below, we have listed some things you will learn in third
grade and what you can do this summer to practice. You will also find a “Summer Sign-In” sheet in your
report card. Please continue to use these resources over the summer.
Skills covered in 3rd grade:
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Geometric Measurements: Understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and
Geometric Measurement: Recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish
between linear and areas measurements.
Reason with shapes and their attributes
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
Understand the relationship between multiplication and division.
Multiply and divide within 100
Solve one and two-step word problems involving the four operations
Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers (fractions on a number line, equivalent
fractions, comparing fractions)
Solve problems using measurement and estimation of intervals of time (elapsed time), liquid
volume, and masses of objects.
Represent and interpret data (bar graphs, pictographs, line plots).
What to do this summer to prepare:
Practice math facts daily: addition and subtraction.
Use Compass Learning at least once a week.
Use websites and apps to practice.
Great Websites
nlvm.usu.edu (National Library of
Virtual Manipulatives)
See you in August!
Third Grade Math and Science Teachers
Great Apps
Quick Math
Motion Math: Wings
Sushi Monster
Pet Bingo by Duck Duck Moose
Operation Math
The more we repeat,
the more we retain!!
I challenge you to
practice your facts for
10 minutes a day this