Peter Hills with St Mary’s & St Paul’s CE Primary School LONG TERM CURRICULUM PLAN BY YEAR GROUP Year 4 Spring Autumn 1 Topic English Maths 2 Raiders from the lost past: Saxons & Vikings Persuasion Narrative Number, place value, decimals, addition, subtraction, shapes, angles, multiplication, division. Narrative Explanation Fractions, money, time, length, perimeter, addition, subtraction, data handling, multiplication, division. Electricity Science Animals including humans Computing Multimedia and word processing, graphing & branching databases, gaming, search engines Saxons Vikings History Geog DT Long term plan by year group Summer 1 2 1 2 “Truth alone triumphs” (India) Medieval madness (middle ages) Home and Away (City and country) Sound of music (sound) Narrative Poetry Number, place value, negative numbers, roman numerals, addition, subtraction, shape, positon and direction, multiplication, division States of matter Poetry Instructions Fractions, decimals, time, perimeter, area, addition, subtraction Information/persuasions Narrative Number, place value, decimals, addition, subtraction, shape, position, direction, multiplication, division. Newspaper reports Diaries Fractions, decimals, time, data handling, perimeter, area, multiplication, division, length, mass, capacity. Living things and their habitats Sound Investigations based on selected topic Medieval times Links with city and country India City and country Skills based Mechanisms: Food tech: Seasonal catapults Art Music Mamma mia Textiles – telling a story Cyclical patterns PE Indoor athletics Tennis Bench ball RE Passover Christmas journeys Muslim way of life PHSE Healthy lifestyles Achievements and goals Teasing and bullying MFL Revision of year 3. ‘Where are you going?’ The weather. Food. Trips Saxon visitors Revision of year 3 + ‘Where are you going?’ Maritime museum Southwark cathedral & regents park mosque Catford synagogue & church Emergency services visitor Tower of London PGL Country village (visit Kent to compare – Brenchley & Matfield is good, train direct from London Bridge Long term plan by year group Clay sculpture based on Indian art Glockenspiel 2 goods; Soup or similar from country farm shop. Landscape drawing and painting Lean on me English folk songs Benjamin Britten – cuckoo Dragons Dance Peace (Gandhi & Luther King) School rules and safety Reflect, rewind, replay Rounders (and outdoor and adventurous – PGL trip) Jewish festivals Cross country/athletics Feelings and actions SRE Resolving differences and explaining choices SRE Food. Creation Horniman museum (music section)