Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2014 -15 Subject Autumn Autumn 1 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Values Reverence & Respect Humility Service & Generosity Hope & Resilience Wisdom & Responsibility Trust & Truthfulness English Explanation texts (3) Nonchronological reports (3) Fiction: Suspense and Mystery (3) Persuasion (3) Play scripts (3) Recounts (2) Instructional texts (2) Book study – Fiction (2) Fiction from our heritage (4) Discussion including debate (3) Traditional stories fables, myths and legends (3) Choral & performance Poetry (2) Poetic structure (1) Classical Poems (1) Maths Place value Multiplication and division 2D and 3D shapes Negative numbers Fractions and Decimals Place Value and Number Multiplication and Division Multiples and factors Mental addition and subtraction Multiplication, division and percentages Measures data and Time Fractions and decimals Place Value, addition of decimals Written Division, multiplying fractions Decimals Column Subtraction 2D shapes Rounding Capacity and volume Coordinates and Graphs Time Science Earth and Space Forces RE What does Christianity say about friendships and relationships? (ASU Guildford) UK Study – Mapping through time and Rivers What is surprising about the Christmas story? Geography Raging Rivers Multiplication and Division Mechanical Devices What is the Buddhist way of life? (ASU Surrey) Place value, Subtraction Angles and Polygons Place Value and Subtraction Fractions Fractions Perimeter and Area Properties of Materials/ Reversible Changes Why is it sometimes hard to decide what to do? Calculation Life Cycles Plants Life Cycles Animals /Humans What is wisdom? Why should we care for God’s world? (ASU Guildford) Biomes, Vegetation belts, land use, economic activity, Distribution of resources, Study of the World. Latitude, longitude, equator, Sustainability – Keen to be green hemispheres, tropics, polar circles, time zones History Ancient Greece Anglo-Saxons & Vikings Computing PE Swimming; Gymnastics; outdoor games Modern Languages French Art & Design Printing D&T Gymnastics Running, jumping, catching and throwing skills (incl. Tag rugby and benchball) Dodgeball (outdoor) Indoor games Swimming Swimming Tennis Competitive games Athletics Dance (6) (‘At the Olympics’) Greek pottery Anglo-Saxon or Viking art Cam toys Music Mrs Hill Trips London Observatory/ Winchester Greek day Georgie O’Keefe or Henri Matisse Tinga Tinga Art Viking ships Viking textiles Visit to Buddhist temple Museum of London or The British Museum Natural history museum – lifecycle exhibition butterflies Sustainability Centre