2013 syllabus.doc - Collinsville Public Schools

Collinsville Middle School
7th & 8th Grade Financial Literacy/Computers
Ms. Margwarth
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of personal finance and to
learn basic computer usage skills. We will cover several topics in personal finance including
income, taxes, banking, saving, retirement, interest, insurance, and housing choices. We will also
use Microsoft Office and Google Docs.
Course Expectations:
Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities. We will have both individual and
group assignments throughout the year.
Grading Plan:
Grades are based on the point system. Each assignment is assigned a point value based on the
difficulty and importance. Daily work is 10 to 30 points. Quizzes and larger assignments can
range from 10 to 50 points. Tests are 50 to 100 points while larger projects and papers may
weigh even heavier.
● Any work not completed in class will be considered incomplete and result in a zero.
Students needing additional time to complete an assignment should get permission from
Mrs. Powell before leaving class that day.
● Each student will participate in several individual/small group activities/presentations.
Course Policies:
Student Work: Students will be expected to complete assignments in class on a regular basis. All
students are expected to read class material (this is done online in class), think critically and write
effectively. Students are expected to use complete sentences, proper grammar and correct
spelling in every written performance.
Group Activities: You will be working in groups on a regular basis. Your group will be given
cooperative learning activities to complete. You will be expected to be an active member of your
group and participation points will be assessed accordingly. You will always be graded as an
individual; however your group may earn points together that will lead to a reward.
Extra Credit: I do not give extra credit. You will have numerous opportunities to maintain an
acceptable grade in this class. Points are given for daily assignments, weekly participation,
test/quizzes, projects, and group work.
Absences: If a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to get all late work from the teacher
and return it in a timely manner.
Collinsville Middle School
Class Rules:
● The student is expected to treat the teacher and other students with respect at all
times. Offensive language and hatefulness is not acceptable in this class. I like to use as
a guideline “Do the Right Thing.” You know what is right and wrong and you will be
expected to act accordingly.
● Students are expected to be in their seats and prepared for class when the bell rings.
Being prepared for class means having all materials, portfolios, books, pens, etc. out and
ready. If you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings, you are tardy.
● Students will stay in their seats at all times unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
● Stay out of other students’ work. I will not tolerate anyone opening, deleting, editing, or
copying another student’s work.
● Be Prepared for Class! – if you come to class unprepared and need to return to your
locker for books, papers, etc., you will be allowed to do so, however, you will receive a
Class Materials:
Girls: 1 ream of copy paper
1 package of dry erase markers
Boys: 1 container of disinfecting wipes
1 package of pens or pencils
Students are aware of the behavior that is expected of them at school. Students who are not able
to behave will be asked to complete an action plan with Mrs. Powell. This is simply a statement
of the problem, reasoning behind the action, and the students plan to change their behavior.
Discipline Actions:
Minor Violations
Major Violations
Warning/Discussion with student
Action Plan (I have attached a copy)
Lunch Detention
Call Parent
If violation continues, go to Mr. Harp
Go directly to Mr. Harp
Internet Usage:
Students are required to have an email account with Google (gmail.com) for this class. It is used to
turning in assignments and completing projects. Please sign and return the following form stating that
you, as a parent/guardian, will allow your student to create and use a Gmail account in Mrs. Powell’s
Collinsville Middle School
Please read, sign, and return (along with the requested supplies) by August 18th.
I have read and understand the rules for Ms. Margwarth’s Financial Literacy/Computer
I also understand that my child is required to create and use a Google (gmail.com) account
for this course.
I give my child permission to have access to the Collinsville Public Schools network and the
I give my child permission to use their personal cell phone for specific assignments in class.
When these assignments/projects are assigned, Ms. Margwarth will give notice 1-2 days
before on the parent portal.
Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________ Date:__________________
Student Signature:________________________________
Providing me with your email addresses below will allow me to keep an open communication
between, you, your child, and myself, as well as, inform you of upcoming tests and projects.
(Please print clearly)
Parent’s email address:______________________________________
Parent’s email address:______________________________________
Student’s email address:
If you would like to contact me, the school phone number is 371-2541. My e-mail address is