Newsletter 12th December 2014

Newsletter 12th December 2014
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all ready for the Christmas holidays! I think our children and staff are!
It’s been a very busy term. As ever, our team of staff have relished the challenges that they have been faced
with. One of the challenges this year has been the new National Curriculum. Working in teams, and with the
support of a skilled independent consultant, we have a curriculum that other Stockport schools want to use.
This year, our House Captains have enjoyed the challenge of being responsible for others. They are
committed, enthusiastic and hard working. They support during break times – taking turns to introduce and
play games as well as host talent contents. It has been a pleasure leading them!
Here’s to another fabulous and fun filled term!
Merry Christmas, Mrs Gibbons and the Dial Park Team
Safety Issues with Parking near the Schools
Sadly once again we have received an email from one of
This week the work on the back of the Newsletter has
our neighbours expressing their concerns about the
been provided by Ella-Mae in Ms Gold’s class
safety of your children due to inconsiderate parking by
some parents. Whilst we understand that parking is
Christmas Hampers
difficult and everyone and wants to park as close to the
Raffle tickets @ £1 a strip or 20p per ticket will be
schools entrance as possible, it is really important that
available on Monday in the hall, on Wednesday
the highway code is adhered to and the safety of
before the performance and from the office during
children walking to school, other pedestrians & even
the rest of the week for this traditional Dial Park
other road users need to be taken into consideration.
Primary School fund raising activity. The contents
We have notified the Local Authority and the
are all provided by the staff. All money raised will go
Community Police & they will be monitoring the area
into School Fund to benefit your children! Please
more frequently.
support this event.
Please think carefully about where you park your car.
Nativity Tableaus
The preparations for the Nativity Tableaus are almost
complete. Each class has been working hard to create a
part of the Christmas story in their classroom. Monday 15th
December is the deadline for everyone to have finished and
we are sure it will be well worth the wait! Once again we
would like to invite parents/carers/grandparents to join us
on Monday afternoon from 3.15pm to 4.30pm in the hall.
We will be taking small groups around the school to view
each classroom giving you the opportunity to marvel at
your children's skills and hard work. Refreshments will be
available in the hall.
Reception's Christmas Performance.
Wednesday 17th December @ 2pm
Mrs Cornah our official Reception Class Christmas
Performance Photographer took the photos after the
first dress rehearsal yesterday, they will be available
for you to view and place orders from early next week
the cost per photo is just 50p, all money raised will go
into school fund. The children looked amazing and you
will be so proud of them when you see them next week.
Don't forget your tissues!!!
Attendance percentages for week beginning 1/12/14
Year R (MRS S) 81.9% 
Year R (MRS P)
Year 1
Year 2/1
Year 2
95.3% 
Year 3
Year 4/3
96.6% 
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6/5
99.1% 
Year 6
the average for the week 94%
Dial Park Bear is so happy that 1 of our classes had almost 100%
this week. This week’s winning class is Year 6/5 Ms Gold’s class, well
done everyone!!!.When a class wins the bear 3 times they get an extra play.
Help your child to win the bear and extra play by being in school “on time,
every time, ten to nine rise and shine”! Remember that all children who get
96% attendance or better will be invited to the Dial Park Attendance Award
Ceremony at the end of the year. Be on time every time to avoid
disappointment! Aim for 100% attendance!