Newsletter - Friday 27th November 2015

Week Ending Friday 27th November 2015
Class 1: 98.02%
Class 5: 93.49%
R1: 96.71%
Class 2: 92.72%
Class 6: 96.55%
R2: 86.56%
Class 3: 94.81%
Class 7: 90.04%
R3: 90.41%
Class 4: 99.26%
Class 8: 90.77%
R4: 96.58%
The class with the best attendance this week is: 4
The overall whole school attendance this week is: 93.78%
Well done to the following children whose names were entered into the Golden Book this
Class 1: Ana
Class 4: Mario
Class 7: Sanad
Class 2: Jenshi
Class 5: Bobby
Class 8: Stanley
Class 3: Ronnie
Class 6: Ryaan
The individual cup this week goes to: Jenshi – Year 2 and Ryaan – Year 1
The last week for clubs will be the week beginning Monday 7th December. There will be no clubs during the last
week of term.
That week will also be the last week for the current Zumba Club participants. Due to the high response for
Zumba we will be selecting a new group of children from our waiting list to start after the Christmas holidays.
All clubs will start again the week beginning Monday 11th January.
We now have all sizes of uniform back in stock.
We will not be placing anymore orders for uniform so if there is anything you need please come and get it
while we have it in school.
Reception Nativity
Letters have been given out to all the Reception children today informing you of their upcoming Christmas
Tickets will be on sale in the school office from Monday for £1 each.
Help Wanted!
If there are any parents that have some free time one afternoon and would like to come into school to help
wrap some Christmas presents for our pupils please come to the school office next week and let us know. We
would be really grateful for any help you could give.
Attendance in the school has been very poor lately. We understand that due to the ever-changing weather
many children have been poorly.
Please remember that it is important for them to be in school every day and there are going to be a lot of
exciting things happening in school over the next few weeks as we approach Christmas, including the bike raffle
and we wouldn’t want any of the children to miss out.
Christmas Calendar
Monday 7th December – Christmas Walkabout – 3.15 – 5pm. All the family are welcome to come along. This is
a great opportunity for your children to show you their work, you can meet their teacher and see how they
have been getting on so far this year.
Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th December – Reception Nativity Concert at 10am. Tickets will be on sale at the
school office from Monday 30th November.
Thursday 10th December – Christmas Dinner!
Monday 14th December – Christmas Bazaar! This is great opportunity for you all to come along and join us with
our Christmas festivities. Santa will be here in his grotto and the children can visit him for £2.00 each and they
will receive a present. There will be many stalls for you to look at with things to buy, such as a book stall, craft
stall, toy stall and many more. You can also relax and enjoy some refreshments including hot dogs and a special
hot chocolate topped with marshmallows!
If anyone has any toys at home that you no longer want, are relatively new and are in a good condition please
bring them to the school office, we would appreciate it if you could donate them to the Christmas Bazaar.
Wednesday 16th December – Nursery Concerts am & pm. Tickets will be on sale at the Nursery from Monday
7th December.
Thursday 17th December – Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas parties. More details to follow.
Thursday 17th December – Nursery last day.
Friday 18th December – Christmas Jumper Day – This year Text Santa is teaming up with Save the Children and
other charities for national Christmas Jumper Day. Christmas is the time of year when we think about others
and this day is designed to raise money for children and communities in times of need. All the children have to
do is come to school wearing a Christmas jumper/t-shirt or anything with a Christmas theme. We are asking for
a small donation of just £1 on the day to help us raise money for this wonderful cause.
Friday 18th December – We finish on this day for the Christmas Holidays. It will be a half day so you need to
collect your children at 1.15pm.
We return to school on Tuesday 5th January at the normal time of 8.55am