27th February 2015 – Newsletter

Newsletter 27th February 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome back after the half term holiday. We hope you all enjoyed some family time together. The
children have come back into school eager to continue with their learning. This half term KS1 are going on
a trip to Blackpool Zoo and UKS2 are going on a trip to Manchester Museum of Science & Industry. Please
make sure your payments, permission slips etc are in on time. School heavily subsidies these trips, so it is
important that all the children go. Sadly we also have some unwanted guests in school. Unfortunately
Head Lice continue to be a problem. Please can you check your child’s hair regularly and treat if
necessary, help us to reduce the incidents of infestation for your children – Please see back of Newsletter
Term dates for your diary 2015-2016
Inset dates for your diary 2015-2016
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 to Friday 23rd October 2015
Tuesday 1st September 2015 Tuesday 8th September 2015
Tuesday 3rd November 2015 to Friday 18th December 2015
Monday 2nd November 2015 Monday 4th January 2016
Tuesday 5 January 2016 to Friday 12 February 2016
Monday 13th June 2016
Monday 22 February 2016 to Friday 1 April 2016
Dressing up & Book Swap for World Book Day on
Monday 18th April 2016 to Friday 27th May 2016
Thursday 5th March 2015.We hope the children and staff
Tuesday 14th June 2016 to Thursday 28th July 2016
will join in the fun and dress up as their favourite book
Assembly dates for your diary
Friday 6th March – Year 4/3 Mrs Portwood
Friday 13th March – Year 1 – Mrs Johnson
Friday 20th March – Year 2 – Mrs Beecham
Friday 27th March – Reception – both classes
Mrs Beecham’s class have had an
unwanted visitor this week. The
character and bring a book in to swap with their
friends. The children will be offered a drink of Fair
Trade chocolate during the afternoon activities.
We are in the middle of Fair Trade fortnight. During an
assembly the children have been learning about the
importance Fair Trade and how it affects people’s lives in
different countries. Please try to use Fair Trade products.
Riddler has found his way into the
Mrs Johnson’s class & Reception have had been celebrating Chinese New
classroom and stolen the Attendance
Year this week. They had a lovely time tasting Chinese food that included
Bear!!!! The children have been set
the task of solving the riddles and
then writing their own riddle to
noodles, prawn crackers & spring rolls. The children were excited to
share this food with Mr Clark
Batman to get the bear back! Let’s
It’s all happening in KS1 this week! There is a Pirate ship being
hope they are successful in solving
constructed in Mrs Cliffe’s classroom. This will be used as an
the problems and communicating
important part of their learning during this half term.
with Batman.
We can’t wait to see it finished it’s looking great!
Attendance percentages for week beginning 09/02/15
Year R (MRS S)
Year R (MRS P)
Year 1
Year 2/1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4/3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6/5
Year 6
the average for the week 91.14%
Wow! Well done to all the children in Mrs Partington’s class. Dial Park Bear will be
visiting you next week because you had the highest attendance in the whole school
Dial Park Bear hopes that this half term will see us reaching and maintaining at least
96% every week. When a class wins the bear 3 times they get an extra play. Help your
child to win the bear and extra play by being in school “on time, every time, ten to nine
rise and shine”! Remember that all children who get 96% attendance or better will be
invited to the Dial Park Attendance Award Ceremony at the end of the year. Be on time
every time to avoid disappointment! Aim for 100% attendance!