Department of Agrometeorology, College of Agriculture Indira Gandhi KrishiVishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.)-492 012 Phone/Fax: 0771-2542557 Year: 23, No. 76 Date: 30.09.2014 Integrated Agromet Advisory Service (Project Sponsored by India Meteorological Department) District: Bilaspur Medium Range Weather Forecast Forecast as received from IMD,Raipur Weather parameters Rainfall (mm) Maximum Temperature (°C) Minimum Temperature (°C) Cloud Cover (Octa) Maximum humidity (%) Minimum humidity (%) Wind Speed (kmph) Wind Direction 01-Oct 0 34 19 1 65 35 3 NW 02-Oct 0 34 20 1 64 33 4 SW 03-Oct 0 34 21 1 64 33 4 NW 04-Oct 0 34 21 2 59 33 5 NW 05-Oct 0 34 21 3 55 32 5 NW Agro-advisories Looking to the present weather condition farmers are advised to keep watch on the crop and use light traps in that fields between 07 pm to 09 pm for initial control of pests. If the infestation is above ETL, use insecticides recommended by Scientist of Agriculture College/ Scientist of Krishi Vigyan Kendra/ Officer of Agriculture department. Use of Integrated Pest Management will be beneficial for the crop. At present rice crop is at panicle initiation stage in most of the fields. Farmers are advised for last dose of fertilizer application at PI stage of rice for healthy grain production. Leaf curling in Chillies is being observed for its control, Methyl Dematon or Karathone should be sprayed @1mper litre of water. Looking to the monsoon withdrawal situation, farmers are advised to store water in the rice fields particularly in medium and long duration rice varieties. Looking to the present weather condition infestation of different insect pests like stem borer is common. Looking to this farmers are advised to keep watch on the crop and if the infestation is above ETL, use insecticides like Carbofuran @33 kg/ha. or Fartera 10 kg/ha. Under present hot and humid weather condition blast in rice may occur. Hence farmers are advised to keep watch over the crop and if the incidence is more spraying of Tricyclazole @6 g/10 litre of water or Saaf @ 1 ml/litre of water is advised in open weather condition. Sr. Scientist (Agromet)