August 19, 2010
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy,
Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins,
Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Aaron Ostrom, Doris Rousey,
Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson,
Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer,
Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Important things to tell
Rodger Bennett read from Book of Verses according to George Carlin.
Sarah Ferguson reported she has been doing a campus walk through.
Action item: Sarah will try to have all broken furniture removed from classrooms. Michael Dennehy is
working on a Class 4 report showing room capacity (CSAR report) and will send to Sarah.
Marilyn Lynch distributed an AtD report and asked for input as to how to share it with the BHC
community. Marilyn was asked about losing the TRIO grant – Marilyn responded that she has not
received the readers’ comments yet.
Weekend College
Doris Rousey reported that her developmental math weekend classes are full; Kendra Vaglienti reported
that her developmental writing and reading classes are full, her weekend college English and Speech
classes have some low enrollments. Sam Govea reported that social science weekend classes also have
low enrollment. Possibly online classes are more attractive than weekends and evening.
Sam reported there are 33 sections of EDUC 1300; some spaces available in HDEV. Could have
probably filled more EDUC sections if instructors were available.
Registration and related issues
Brenda Dalton reported that there are some problems with class cancellations. Students are receiving
notice that their classes have been canceled but no information as to what to do next. It was suggested
waiting until mid next week (Aug 25) before canceling classes with low numbers.
In planning for spring schedule build, Sarah is working to be sure all classrooms/PC labs are used.
Action Item: Rodger would like to see the final room schedule for fall, how the rooms have been filled
with enrollment numbers along with three year enrollment numbers for that class. IR will work on
There was further discussion on registration and extended registration.
Brenda reported on then loss of online students to other campuses. She believes choice of faculty one
reason. Sam reported that BHC has a strong academically sound distance learning program and we must
promote it. Michael Dennehy might be able to supply data on how successful students in these classes
are. Sam also asked who is responsible for marketing distance learning classes.
Action item: This issue will be an agenda items for a deans’ future meeting.
Sarah will work on a report on fall semester room enrollment indicating number of students in each class.
Rodger asked if Michael Dennehy could also produce a historical picture of students in each classroom.
Also, if Michael could produce data on distance learning student success rate.
Rodger reported that Sam Govea and Marie Maness produced an excellent report on online teaching and
skills levels.
Rodger referenced the Instructional Calendar sent to the deans today. He asked them to look over, make
additions and revisions they wish and return to Anne Brophy. A final copy will be sent out to the college
and put on the VP website.
There was a question about the availability of student assistance monies. Rodger will check.
Follow-up: Rodger emailed George for a follow-up to the question (from Rick Maxwell).
There was a request to move the date for schedule build due to the inability to get on colleague. Rodger
will contact Aly Yale.
Follow-up: Rodger did contact Aly and the deadline was moved to Sept. 10.
There was a discussion about not having a print schedule and the impact on students. This will be
discussed again.
Lisa Ehrich asked that paperless grade issue be placed on a future deans’ agenda.
Also if information could be put on a supplemental sheet detailing campus closings and ADA information
that faculty could distribute to students.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.