November 19, 2008
2:00 p.m. M123
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael
Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam
Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Aaron
Ostrom, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Teri Walker, Sandy Wyche, Anne
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Brenda
Dalton, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint,
Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Aaron Ostrom, Doris
Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Guests: Becky Knickel and Stephen Herd
Important things to tell you
Lisa Ehrich reported that the faculty council asked that the faculty development travel
fund be reviewed and to indicate how much money is available and if faculty can apply
for funds up to $1,000. Also, if a particular division has not expended all the funds
earmarked for faculty development can it be put into a fund for faculty use during the
summer. Richard McCrary asked Lisa to bring this topic to the deans’ meeting for input.
Rodger will speak with George Herring about this.
Another issue, how much do faculty get for travel? Answer - $200 is budgeted for each
faculty member. Math/Science has been using AtD funds. Communications Division
budgets $200 for each faculty.
Lisa also reported that Andrew Jones stated CORE 2009 was approved by the VP
Council. The faculty council would like the VP Council to reconsider suggestions made
by various curriculum committee. They had some questions about the process and is
asking that CORE 2009 be postponed until faculty review again. Lisa complimented
Rodger Bennett for not approving the CORE based on faculty recommendations. Lisa
was asked to present in writing concerns in four areas – speech, art, PE and history. If
not reviewed by VP Council it will be brought to the President level. Lisa also
complimented Richard McCrary for his support. Rodger stated his reasoning in not
supporting the approval was because there was no discussion. He did not think due
diligence was given to faculty recommendations. There will be further discussions on
CORE 2009. It was noted foreign language faculty are very supportive of the CORE
because of the inclusion of foreign language requirement.
Another issue brought to this meeting by Lisa was Academic Freedom and Instructional
Goals Committee. What exactly should faculty syllabi contain and do faculty have to
hand out a paper copy. The answer is no – as long as student can review in some mode.
It should be viewed as a contract between faculty and student.
Lisa also brought up the issue of weekend services for students taking weekend clases.
Trying to identify what is available and what is needed. Also mentioned as services for
weekend instructors.
Lisa reported also working on getting budget committee going again..
Sandy Wyche reported that Chief Dave Reagan discussed card readers for entry to buildings at
PSS meeting. Bid to be submitted on November 24.
Rodger reported Doris Rousey sent a schedule of summer hours 2009 to instructional deans. He
asked them to review.
Success Coaching
Becky Knickel and Stephen Herd presented their Success Coaching proposal prepared for the
AtD Executive Team at Brookhaven. A formal presentation was made to the AtD team in May
2008. Becky and Stephen reported that many administrators, staff, and faculty were involved in
the preparation of this document. (Copy of this proposal is attached to these minutes). The goal
of Success Coaching is to provide first time in college students with necessary support to be
successful in school. Students are being encouraged to participate in this program. Groups are
being set up to meet with students i, e sports groups, political discussion groups, art and business
groups. One goal is not to recreate anything presently in place at Brookhaven. It was suggested
that developmental students, 1st time in college students, at risk students all be required to
participate in Success Coaching. It was also noted that Sylvia Coffey is piloting a similar
program for developmental students modeled on a South Texas school.
Becky stated one drawback has been the lack of student awareness of the program.
Brenda Dalton noted that advisors meet with students once a month and that we do not want to
appear redundant.
Richard McCrary suggested that Becky and Stephen meet with Kendra, Michael and Rodger to
discuss the classes that are being paired up for spring 2008.
Becky and Stephen asked that the proposal to be made available to all faculty and staff as well as
adjunct faculty. Flyers are being sent to division offices reminding them to advise students about
the Success Coaching program.
Becky any thoughts people be sent to her or may contact BHC Success Coach. A website is also
being set up.
Student Identification Process
As the result of an incident involving a student in one of the labs, there was a discussion about the
best to secure ID. It was noted that if a student does not have one with them, one can be made. It
should be a firm policy, documented in student syllabi, that ID cards must be submitted. Rodger
will speak with the SPAR office about availability in supplying ID cards.
Rodger and George spoke about this after the meeting. George sent Rodger a link on just an
“idea” or one way we could accommodate this:
Kendra would be willing to have equipment available ion J Lab. HHS already has one in place.
Rodger will follow up about multiple locations.
Rodger and Sarah will talk with Oscar. There was a question about having
faculty/employee ID cards. Rodger will follow up with George Herring.
Rodger followed up with George Herring on 11/21 about the ID issue. George reported the
intent is that all full time and part-time faculty and staff will have ID cards.
College Readiness Standards and January 20 meeting with TJ
College Readiness Standards were distributed to the instructional deans. It is a good resource
when meeting with high school administrators and teachers.
Rodger also reported that Thomas Jefferson faculty have an in-service on January 20. The
Principal, Assistant Principal, advisors and faculty would like to come to Brookhaven to meet
with Brookhaven faculty. TJ is one of the schools in the Southern Sector initiative. Rodger
asked if the dans could meet with them the afternoon of January 20. He asked the deans to
discuss with their work groups. Rodger acknowledged that this is a very bad day for such an
event, being it’s the first day of Brookhaven classes.
Rodger will get some more specific information from Marilyn Lynch and will send to the
divisions. He sees this as an enrollment initiative and a way to promote the summer bridge
program. Please respond to Rodger either by e-mail or bring to the December 4 meeting.
Virtual College of Texas
Michael Dennehy gave a brief presentation of the Virtual College of Texas, a collaborative of
Texas community and technical colleges. Through VCT students may register at Brookhaven to
take credit and non-credit distance learning courses from other colleges that are part of this
consortium. DCCCD is a member of this group. Pam Quinn is asking the district to become a
provider. All support will come through LeCroy. All participating colleges are SACS accredited.
The DCCCD receives monies from this organization; therefore we should be a part of it. Sam
Govea and Michael have a number of students that will participate. Michael suggested allowing
one class with five or six students be a part of it. There was a discussion about contact hours and
how to pay faculty. Michael will bring more information to future meeting.
Adjunct Faculty Diversity
Rodger distributed a form that should be used to indicate # and % ethnicity of adjunct faculty.
Rodger will ask IR to send a list. Rodger will then ask the deans to fill out the section on
recruitment efforts.
A district recruitment fair is scheduled for the spring 2009. Brookhaven will have their own in
fall 2009. Goal is to reflect faculty to student ethnicity. After the reports are compiled Rodger
will take to Richard McCrary.
Tegrity Demonstration
Sam Govea gave a brief demonstration on Tegrity. He reported that the district has paid
$250,000 for this software. Sam emphasized that Tegrity is user friendly. It automatically
captures, stores and catalogues all teaching done on and off campus. Tegrity is a web-based
program. All that is needed to access Tegrity is the internet and a mic. Media will be providing
support. Tegrity will be available in January 2009. Sam is providing training. A demonstration
will be given during the return week in January.
Sam also distributed a copy of an e-mail – subject matter – Quality Matters Spring course. Marie
Maness is offering an exclusive Quality Matters Prep course for spring 2009 semester. It is
limited to seven faculty currently teaching online. (Copy of e-mail attached to these minutes).
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.