BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE DEANS’ MEETING MINUTES October 9, 2008 2:00 p.m. M123 Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Kolesar-Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyers, Aaron Ostrom, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Teri Walker, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Ray Attner, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Sam Govea, ,Rick Maxwell, Richard McCrary, Aaron Ostrom, Kendra Vaglienti, Teri Walker, Monica Wenthold for Juanita Flint, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy, Guest: Teresa Isibell, Dean of Institutional Research, North Lake College; Marion Douglas, Brookhaven Business Office, Linda Lee Important things to know – Workgroup Rodger Bennett asked the group if there is anything in particular they would like to share with the group. Teri Walker reported that 30-40 faculty have not responded to the Noel Levitz survey. She will send a letter out Monday to those that have not responded. In response to a question, yes, a faculty member can administer the survey himself/herself. Michael Dennehy gave an update from the Distance Learning operational team meeting. 1. 2. 3. Purchase of Tegrity software has been approved. All El Centro’s files are being moved to Tegrity. Brookhaven next in line to receive training, possibly late fall. Higher education board passed legislation requiring college to authenticate identification of students taking distance learning courses. Colleges must affirm student who registered for courses is same as one taking it. There are some measures that can be taken, i.e. proctor exams. DL team waiting to hear further news on it. On October 17 from 1-4 Sam Govea will be co-presenting a Quality Matters training involving peer review training and how to put a good online course together. Those wishing to attend must register. There are only 25 spots for seven campuses. Sam asked if attending to bring current 1 course to the training for adaptation and improvement. Sam will be sending a list of faculty who have participated in online training to the deans. Ann Coder has sent out a list of books she would like to see in the library for student use. Think-Strategic Planning Online - Michael Dennehy Michael gave an overview of the Think-Strategic Planning Online software demonstrated at the Collin County Sacs meeting in September. Strategic Planning Online software is specifically designed to assist institutions in managing strategic objectives, tying the budget to these objectives, assessment outcomes and accreditation requirements. Michael mentioned that the district presently has a RFP out for two different software packages – student tracking and core curriculum evaluation. He believes it will be collapsed into one RFP. Strategic Planning Online will assist every individual working within the institution. SACS would be able to review remotely, avoiding the need to go through paper files. Michael mentioned that the district will reviewing a number of different software packages and will be bidding on one of them. Michael began the audio conference with John Hand, Director of Educational Services at Think. Mr. Hand stated that the student outcomes self assessment module will be out in December 2008 and the faculty credentials module in fall 2009. The faculty credentials piece will assist in developing a plan to address deficiencies. Mr. Hand noted that the institution creates its own plan – SPOL has a very successful template that allows for creating a plan in a very organized manner. Michael asked about licensing fees. There are three ways: Site license – one time fee based on number of users 200 users - $36,049. Each year there is a recurring fee of $1,995 which includes 25 hours of support and all updates to the system. Annual license – leasing software - 200 users $13,229 per year. Includes support updates, can lock in for five years. Host license – Provides software includes everything – Five year plan $16,999 per year. There is a 15% promotional discount available. Michael gave Mr. Hand the contact information for the bidding process. SPOL will contact with actual estimates. Teresa Isibell, Dean of Institutional Research at North Lake reported on their use of this software. She said best part is tying everything together. WEAVEonline does not. 2 SPOL has the ability to include activities and track them. It allows tying college goals with district goals. North Lake hosts the software. They are in the process of loading the software and will be operational within the year. Workshops will be held. Teresa also believes the credential piece will address faculty needs, hiring, compliance. She suggested contacting Giles Hawkins or Candice Castillo with questions. Teresa strongly supported SPOL. Michael reported that the district will have all bids ready for review by mid December. Rodger moved the agenda item SACS conference at Collin County to the next deans’ meeting on October 23. Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. 3