Aug. 13 - Brookhaven College

August 13, 2009
2:00 p.m. M121
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael
Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins,
Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche,
Anne Brophy
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy,
Lisa Ehrich, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins, Mark Meyer, Aaron Ostrom,
Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Ray Attner for Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Important things
Lisa Ehrich and Doris Rousey have sons on their way back to college – one in Alabama and one
to Austin TX.
Michael Dennehy talked to his daughter in the air force, stationed in Kuwait.
GoArmy Ed
Rodger Bennett reported on an educational symposium held in Atlanta, Georgia, attended by,
among others, Jim Picquet from LeCroy. A copy the summary, distributed to this group, is
attached. Rodger believes there is a huge potential for offering classes to all five branches of the
U.S. Armed Forces and would like everyone to consider what classes would be appropriate. The
DCCCD is very interested in pursuing involvement. Central Texas College in Temple, TX has
been partnering with the military base in Killeen.
Michael reported that DCCCD has been involved with the NCPACE (Navy Afloat College
Education) program for over 20 years through LeCroy and Richland. He also stated that the
military base in Fort Sill, OK is very interested in GIS program. Michael believes that if the
GoArmyEd program is approved LeCroy should handle the paperwork which is huge.
Michael also reported on Blackboard 9. All faculty that have eCampus shells need to be trained.
Michael distributed the 2009 LeCroy training schedule. Sam Govea will send his training
scheduled out through Linda Lee’s office. Michael believes that anyone not trained should not
have an eCampus shell.
Michael also distributed information on two hybrid courses that are available for fall 2009 –
English 1302 and Spanish1411 – redesigned course materials are available. (Copies attached to
these minutes). These courses are owned by the district. Hotline is available for faculty.
Michael reported that the names of four candidates for the Dean of IR position have been sent
forward to the President and VPs. Meanwhile, the distance learning/outcomes assessment
module training is scheduled for latter part of October.
There will be a demo on the outcome assessment which will include folding the strategic plan
into SPOL. Michael asked for support with this project. It should be ready for input by October.
Division deans should be able to visit their administrative areas today. Michael is wondering how
it should be presented to the campus. He believes training is critical. Two hundred licenses are
available. Administrators and full time faculty are in the system. Five DCCCD campuses have
bought into it.
SPOL will be discussed further aqt the August 27 deans’ meeting and how it will be rolled out
and in what format manner. Michael will bring a list of names of those designed as unit
managers. Names come from budget accounts.
Temporary full time English faculty position
Kendra Vaglienti reported she has six classes without faculty and she has been asked to open
three more sections. Today she is asking for a temporary full time English faculty (one year
assignment) to meet needs of faculty that just resigned. She is also seeking new adjunct help.
Request was approved.
CE Requests
Vernon Hawkins presented his request two positions:
Program Director, Corporate and Continuing Education
Department Assistant III
A third position will be presented at a later date.
Both positions are replacements and are in the budget. Requests for both approved and sent
forward to signature.
Faculty Schedule
Thomas Anderson distributed copies of proposed faculty schedules which will be available on P
Drive. Thomas asked for comments. He noted page 2 of the document. After discussion, it will
agreed extra service and release time will be removed. Also Saturday and Sunday will be on
same line. Thomas will make revisions.
Aaron Ostrom reported that Marilyn Lynch said there may be some monies remaining in AtD
grant to fund five or six learning communities. Money is available for 2009-2010 semester.
Michael reported that a one year committee has been formed to respond to HB2504. It has been
suggested that Presidents and Chancellors go before the Coordinating Board and question this
Rodger distributed copies of a report designating degrees that are conferred each year – Emphasis
degrees, AA and Field of Studies degrees. This topic has been a conversation item with the
Juanita Flint reported that Mary Brumbach and Bethany Reid are working on establishing a
resource office, funded by the district office, that will work with anyone interested in Nursing and
the Allied Health field. They will present to the Chancellor’s Cabinet for support. Mary has
money to hire a director for this office. It will be a very specific advising center, able to advise
on all nursing and allied health programs offered through the district.
Aaron is working on the tutoring project. A guide directing students to all tutoring centers should
be available by August 24. The tutoring schedule will also be put on the website. ESOL students
will be directed to the reading and writing tutoring center for assistance with their particular
projects. Tutoring will begin August 31 in the J Lab. Lab information is included in the Survival
Ray Attner asked about the parking situation on campus – construction equipment, trucks in the
parking lots. Rodger will check with George Herring.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.