February 11, 2010
2:00 p.m.
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael
Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint,
Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Aaron Ostrom,
Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy,
Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Vernon Hawkins, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey,
Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
George Herring
Academic Calendar
Rodger Bennett reported that he has had a number of inquiries about classes on March 5 (the
Friday after conference day). The 2009-2010 Academic Calendar states that Friday Classes Will
Not Meet unless the instructor has made arrangements with ALL the students. Saturday and
Sunday Classes Will Meet. However, exceptions can be made. We will adhere to the printed
calendar. Rodger asked Patti Burks to bring this issue to the Faculty Council for next year’s
calendar. Rodger will bring to the VP Council as a calendar issue.
Course Capacity and Registration Recommendations
Kendra Vaglienti brought up the issue about setting a realistic cap and not using the number of
seats in a room as a cap. Sarah Ferguson responded that the fire code actually sets the number of
people allowed in a room. Sarah and Curt Capetillo are working on a process with the hope that
it will result in a more evenly distributed cap. Rodger supports the deans’ decision to set a cap
and that no exceptions in those specific classes will be made.
Rodger also brought up that he had learned that some online classes were being capped at 15. He
said that District policy states between classes are 15-25. The only online class that had a lower
district cap (recommended by the English curriculum committee) was ENGL 1301. Rodger
asked the deans to do an inventory as to caps on their online classes. Information is available on
Mathewos Kassa’s reports.
Fall Schedule Discussion
Sarah distributed copies of an inventory of rooms that contained data on when classes are
scheduled in each room from 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Sarah downloaded the 2009 class
information from colleague. She also included Fall 2010 math/science data and communications
information from fall 2009. The inventory indicated that there is space available at prime times,
with some conditions.
Sarah did mention some variable that may affect the room scheduling. Information on the Police
Department remodeling and its affect on T building is not available. Also CORE change not
requiring COSC may open space. Sarah has included the Learning Frameworks program into this
schedule. She also said that if few changes are made it should not have a huge impact. Change
on a continual basis presents more challenges. Spring 2011 more problematic with the potential
loss of temp buildings.
It was also reported that some automotive rooms can accommodate students. Sarah will check
with the deans on:
Dedicated classrooms
Early College High School
After reviewing the document Sarah was asked to duplicate the document with caps on the rooms
noted. Sarah reported that the Space Committee members are very positive about sharing space.
Rodger asked each Dean to go back with Sarah’s room chart and review how the classes have
been placed. Then come back to the nest meeting to discuss and begin to finalize draft fall
There were questions about adding a course and how percentage of students equates to contact
hour reimbursement. How many sections needed to make a difference? George shared
information that Brookhaven’s allocation is decreasing due to lower increase in enrollment
compared to other campuses.
Strategic and Operational Planning
Michael Dennehy distributed copies of SPOL – Professional Development training sessions.
Michael offered to go to division meetings to assist with preparing reports.
In summary, the following action items are to be completed:
Deans to go back and have conversation with faculty about caps and overloads. Caps can
be different. Each discipline can determine caps and they will not override. Advising
will not overload.
Deans to inventory caps on online classes and come back with classes that do not fall in
to the 15-25 caps. (Exception: English 1301)
Deans to take Sarah’s report back to faculty to review and be ready to discuss at next
meeting. Sarah will send the file to the deans. Please send information to Sarah by
February 24. She will bring to the February 25 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.