BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE DEANS’ MEETING MINUTES January 6, 2011 Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Brenda Dalton, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Monica Wenthold for Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Important Things to Tell Rodger Bennett asked the group for answers to some historical data. Some of the questions were answered correctly. Sam Govea showed a video of his professional development activities over the holidays. Very impressive. Elvis is not dead; he is on a cruise ship. Online Printed Syllabi Sam had a question about printing syllabi vs. being available online. Since syllabi are already online is the necessary to provide printed copies for all faculty. It is quite an expense. Rodger polled the deans as to who prints syllabi for their faculty. HHS faculty print their own Business Studies faculty print their own Development English and most English online; many English and Speech faculty still print copies Fine Arts students print their own from the web. They do assist student with any addendum. Development Math has made a commitment to not print syllabi in the spring. Students may access off the web via My Laps Plus or My Math Lab, or via e-mail through eConnect. Faculty will print syllabi for special needs students. Sciences are mixed, some use eCampus syllabi, some print. In regard to this discussion on print syllabi it was noted that a number of departments have eliminated printing costs as part of their budget cuts. Rodger asked the deans to bring up at division meetings as an agenda item. It is a sustainability issue as well as a budgetary issue. Students can sign a one-page acknowledgment sheet that they have been made aware of the syllabus and its contents. Rodger suggested that the Deans and the Faculty Council discuss this at their regular monthly meeting. Paperless Schedule Rodger reported that Brookhaven is not going to a paperless schedule for fall 2011. He has asked Monica to downsize schedule for fall including fewer pages and fewer copies. ACTION: Rodger will discuss further with Monica Taliaferro and get back to the deans. There was a discussion about printing and the new copy machines that are being looked at for the campus. It was suggested that questions about copier capabilities and needs be sent to Dawn Bishop. Class Update by Brenda Dalton Brenda Dalton reported on classes for the spring: COSC 1300 – nearly all full Developmental Writing – no slots open for prime time 7:30 a.m. and noon classes are light at this time Evening classes are light Brenda asked if ok to register students at other campuses if students only want prime time classes. She did state that there is another week for registration as well as two Saturdays. Michael Dennehy will run a report showing where there are possible overloads in classrooms without furniture. Overloading classes should not happen without first checking the cap in classrooms. Math/Science will not allow overloads; Social Science only if room/furniture allows. Brenda did state that section capacities were increased this registration period to match room capacity. Sandy Wyche will check with instructors about adding additional section of COSC 1300. If not able to find instructors, an exception to the 14.7 hour rule may be made. It was also suggested that one hour classes be offered. Students that have taken COSC 1300 and not passed are being encouraged to take the course in increments. Follow-up: Communications has added additional sections Alternate Proposal to OTCD Mentor Program Rodger reported that Marie Maness is finalizing the document on this mentoring program. In lieu of regular campus and or committee assignments faculty will provide mentoring in a computer lab during faculty return week. Mentors will assist interested faculty in online training for 2-3 hours at a time in the lab. Rodger asked if the group approved this process. The answer was yes. Marie will send out to the faculty. There was a question about registration duties. Welcome desk and greeters will be on duty. There will not be any registration duties as in past semesters. Oscar Lopez will be sending out an e-mail on this issue. ECHS Cohort Classes for Fall 2011 Marilyn Lynch distributed a list of potential ECHS cohort sections for fall 2011. Marilyn reported that the ECHS advisory committee meets once a semester; the ECHS success team meets once a month. Marilyn reviewed the duties of this team and the discussions as to student experiences in the program and reasons why students should be in cohorts in order to succeed in their senior year. Marilyn asked if certain sections of classes can be added to accommodate high school students. It was recommended that a schedule be created and reviewed by this group and faculty. Other Michael Dennehy distributed copy of the new Fact Book to the deans. This book will be on the website. He mentioned that with Mathewos Kassa leaving he will be looking for a data analyst. Federal reports will be the first priority for Michael’s area. Michael stated he will work with people on special reports and Status 4 reports. He is also working on a new calendar that will be sent out as soon as it is approved. Michael will be working on a planning document next week. Sarah Ferguson reported that the Courier will be moving next week to T241. Facilities will begin the remodeling of B Building for VICOM. Police Department remodel will begin in May. Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Instructional deans met with Rodger at the meeting.