BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE DEANS’ MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2011 2:00 p.m. M121 Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Joe Monroy, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Attendees: Rodger Bennett, Lisa Ehrich, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Joe Monroy, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti, Anne Brophy Important Things to Tell Juanita Flint updated the group on the rules of banking via ATM. Sam Govea distributed a copy of credit section numbers decided upon at the last district CUAG meeting. Sam also told the group that Blackboard 9.1 training is available for those teaching online. Shells are not available for those who have not taken the test. Lisa Ehrich was concerned that faculty who did not teach over the summer may not be aware of this requirement. It was suggested that this information on the conversion to 9.1 be included in division letters to their faculty. Rodger Bennett announced that he will be a grandfather in February. Marilyn Lynch announced that 45TexPREP middle school students (math, engineering and science) graduated this morning. Students must have an 85 in math and science and a recommendation before approved to the program. A United Way grant has been approved to expand the TexPREP program to additional ISDs. Recent House Bills Rodger spoke about the House Bills information received this week. He forwarded copies to the deans and has asked Sharon Blackman to bring to the VP Council meeting. Rodger focused on riders that are attached to some of the bills Dual Credit Funding – schools can no longer receive funding for PE classes offered for dual credit. This will have an enormous impact on BHC Rodger discussed the possibility of using CE instructors in such classes,building a grid of CE/credit courses using the DL grid as a possible model. Rodger asked the group to think of areas where this process would work. Vernon Hawkins will meet with deans to work on this model. It was also suggested including high school coaches in this model for professional development. Vernon mentioned an ESL model that has been used. Vernon will send the ESL model to Rodger. Success Based Funding – Student Readiness Assessment and Development Courses – requires THECB to prescribe a single standard to measure student readiness; colleges must base developmental coursework on research-based best practices. Degree Plan Filing and Credit Transfer for Associate Degree –– requires a student enrolled in an associate or bachelor’s degree program to file a degree plan with the institution no later than the end of second regular semester or term in which student earned a cumulative total of 45 ot more semester credit hours, including transfer courses. Meningitis vaccine – required for all students under 30. Textbook affordability – Costs must be included on website. Personal financial literacy training. Learning outcomes. Certificate and CTE students have attained successful employment. A committee to look into how it will be reported. Copy of House Bills attached to file copy of minutes. Syllabi and Grading In response to SACS 4.3 Thomas Anderson asked Rodger to discuss the issue as to whether our syllabi include clear grading policies. Rodger asked the deans to spot check their faculty syllabi for accuracy. There was a question as to what time period should syllabi be available for SACS. Rodger will discuss with Thomas. Low Enrollment Guidelines Rodger reported on the development of the low enrollment guidelines. A draft copy was e-mailed to the deans. Rodger has asked the group to review and send him comments. This item will be on the agenda for the VP Council in the fall. Other There was a discussion on the issue of retention, graduation rates, completion rates and how to address these concerns. Juanita told the group that nursing does not allow a student to withdraw without faculty intervention. Rodger wants to devote time to this issue this coming year. Note: Rodger will check on how to prevent students from dropping online. Rodger reported that he and Lisa will set a schedule to meet with the faculty council on a regular basis. Meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.