BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE DEANS’ MEETING MINUTES May 27, 2010 Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Aaron Ostrom, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Brenda Dalton, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins, Rick Maxwell, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Important Things to Know Rodger Bennett read some important points from “The Devil’s Dictionary”. "Kendra Vaglienti had a wonderful story to report about “Picking Cotton”. While walking down the street when attending a conference in Washington D.C., Christi Carter saw the authors of “Picking Cotton”. She went up to them and told them all about our decision to use the book as a common reader at Brookhaven. The authors autographed the book and expressed how pleased they were to hear how the book was being used at Brookhaven." Vernon Hawkins reported that Frito-Lay has asked to use Brookhaven’s automotive center for filming an executive development video for use in their professional development program. Vernon sees it as a breakthrough in perhaps expanding the relationship. Frito-Lay’s philosophy is on collaboration, community building and sustainability. Sandy hopes to pick up some automotive students. Rodger asked Vernon and Sandy to with Don Jones on a story. Dual Credit Grades Sandy brought up the problem of handling grades for dual credit classes. Kendra recommended setting up course dates to match high school ending dates, basically shows as a flex class. Otherwise grade changes must be done. Review of Mission Statement and Guiding Principles As requested, Kendra reviewed the Mission Statement developed at the deans’ retreat on May 20. The following suggested changes were made: Mission Statement The VPI Workgroup provides visionary leadership and management for faculty, staff and students to create a quality instructional environment that fosters student success. Change organizational to visionary. Agreed. Kendra also reviewed the Guiding Principles and the following suggested changes were made. Guiding Principles Communication – We will have open and honest dialogue while demonstrating mutual respect. Take practice out; change communication to dialogue. End the sentence at respect. 1 Collaboration – We will share ideas and resources while working together to achieve our workgroup mission. Sentence will read as shown above adding while. Decision Making – We will use qualitative and quantitative information to make informed decisions. OK. Accountability - We will be responsible for the decisions we make. Take accountable out of sentence. Integrity – We will act ethically. OK. Short but it works. All the changes were approved. Rodger reported that he spoke with Cheryl Vargas about a conflict management workshop. Cheryl agreed to do a workshop. Common Reader A common reader for the workgroup was discussed. Following is a list of books suggested: JuanitaKendraThomasBrendaDorisAdrienRickSam- The Invisible Employee Strengths Finder 2.0 Leadership Challenge Marcus Buckingham books On Becoming an Innovative University Teacher – Reflection in Action The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes are High Cowboy & Charlie – a book on Autism What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful, After discussion it was agreed that “The Invisible Employee” will be the first common reader for this group. The group will also read “Picking Cotton”. Rodger will order copies of the above listed books, as well as individual copies of The Invisible Employee”. Three Priorities and Goals – What Division Will Look Like in Three Years Rodger asked the group to present the above for their respective division. Vernon Hawkins – CE & Workforce Education Expand instructor evaluation process in ESOL. Presently doing a peer review process using Best Practices. Planning on going division wide with peer review. Program development – increase total number of workforce development grants. There are five in the hopper for September. Would like to see five more current skills development programs. These types of programs generate 1.5 million dollars in revenue each year. 2 In three years I see CE &Workforce Ed finally self sustaining. Hope to be able to give back $500,000 to the college general fund. Would also like to have $1.00 for each contact hour reimbursement returned to CE. In addition, have two new skills grants each year. At present, we are $170,000 from breaking even; with three months left in budget year expect to break even. Sandy Wyche – Business Studies Building Stronger Working Relationships and Partnerships – build stronger working relationships within departments, stronger partnerships with advisory committees, businesses, and high schools in order to understand the community educational and workforce needs. Career Preparation and Job Re-Training – remain current with technology, and develop new courses (e.g. mobile applications, web applications, etc.), and increase online offerings to educate and assist students in gaining the knowledge and job skills needed in this highly competitive workforce. Collaborative Workgroups – continue to create more collaboration and cooperation within all workgroups, as well as within the working environment, through active listening, personal interaction, and follow-up. Within three years, the Business Studies Division will be the premier division in the district, and perhaps the DFW Metroplex, for students to be educated/trained in the traditional business courses/programs as well as in the latest technology, whether it is Computer Information Technology, Visual Communication, Office Tech, and Automotive Tech courses/programs. VCOM, CIT, and BOSS have plans to become Brookhaven School of Technology. Juanita Flint – Health and Human Services Two to three goals for 2010-2011 1. Receive approval for the reorganization of the division 2. Child Development and NLM will complete their self study and be approved for their accreditation 3. Hire needed staff – EMS clinical coordinator, nursing faculty, nursing skills lab director, and approval for an additional full time support staff In three years, all the programs will be completely staffed and plans on target for planned growth in nursing program. Rad Tech’s new certificate program will have maximum enrollments. Child Development enrollments will continue to increase and the grant money will continue to fund classes for students. At least one or two more dual EMS programs added and overall increase in enrollment. All programs will have received reaffirmations for accreditations. Would like to explore and acquire an occupational therapy assistant and physical therapy assistant associate degree program. Kendra Vaglienti – Communications Kendra shared a draft of a document – What Good Teaching Looks Like – Kendra has been working on this initiative for six months with faculty. The document will be used during the evaluation process. Goals for 2010-2011 1. To provide focused professional development opportunities on critical thinking with a movement towards teaching and learning circles. 3 2. To promote similar experiences for students across courses/sections with the use of common readings, shared assignments, learning communities, etc. 3. To continue our focus on end-of-semester retention and improve overall student success rates. By the summer of 2013, the Communications Division will have enough permanent full time faculty members to fill at least 50% of the daytime classes offered in our division. We will also have added another instructional administrator to coordinate the duties previously completed by the lead faculty in our division which will free the full time faculty to focus on curriculum issues and community-building with the adjuncts. As part of this community building, the full time faculty will be regularly providing professional development activities for our adjunct faculty to reach our division goal of all faculty utilizing learner-centered active learning techniques in their classrooms on a regular basis. As a result of these changes in instruction, our DREA and DWRI successful completion rates will regularly post between 65 and 70%, our ENGL successful completion rates will regularly post at or above 75%, and our SPCH successful completion rates will regularly post at or above 80%. Rick Maxwell – Fine Arts Goals for 2010-2011 1. Establish long-term leadership for division. 2. Re-evaluate marketing and recruiting initiatives in theater, dance and music. 3. Complete the first phase of accreditation with the “National Association of Schools of Art and Design.” (NASAD) 4. Fill the faculty position vacated by Bob Stock as he completes his phased retirement. (Dept Chair). 5. Create a new visiting scholar position in Dance. 6. Request a second full time coaching position (SACS). 7. Closely monitor enrollment trends in consideration of the new CORE and strategically plan for personnel and space needs in PE/Nutrition. By 2013 the Art Department will have become the first two-year program in his region to receive full accreditation by NASAD. Articulations in art have grown by 30%, resulting in increased enrollment of transfer students. A more aggressive approach to marketing and recruiting has established Dance, Theater and Music as “destination” programs in this region. Data supports this claim as more and more students are enrolling who don’t reside in these service area zip codes. The new CORE and expanded space have resulted in an increase of PE and nutrition sections. A new two-year emphasis degree in Physical Education has been approved and is ready to be implemented. An increase in online and hybrid classes in PE, Dance and Art History. A continuation of cross discipline i.e. music/dance. Doris Rousey – Mathematics and Science The mission of the mathematics and Science Division is to lead and support the faculty and staff of each of its work groups and the students whom we educate, mentor and promote. The goal of the division office is to provide administrative and instructional support to forward the mission of each mathematics and science discipline and that of the Ellison Miles Geotechnology Institute. Goals for 2010-2011 1. Focus on the advancement of our upper level mathematics and science students (STEM) Focus on the “marketing” for higher-level math and science courses (Calculus, Genetics, 4 Physics…) to engage STEM students. Provide class visits and lectures to offer information and REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) at local universities for our students. 2. Provide outstanding and relevant professional development for our adjunct faculty Develop a plan to sustain the Mathematics Faculty Academy (MFA) and create a similar Science Faculty Academy to provide professional development to our adjunct faculty and encourage engagement in the instructional processes. How: Create a template from the Math Faculty Academy that can be used as a model for each long semester. The template will include criteria for facilitators, requirement of attendance of the adjunct faculty, topical selection, costs and certification. 3. Create a defined and sustainable work group structure across the division, with lead instructors, strategic planners, SLO leaders – Examine the lead instructor format and evaluate each work group to determine the best leadership for each area. Create a matrix to show best talents utilized by each leader and match with responsibility; lead instructor (assistant to the dean), strategic planner, student learning outcomes leader, etc. It is August 2013 – the Mathematics and Sciences division of Brookhaven College is a cohesive, collaborative, instructional entity, promoting STEM education and supporting quality developmental mathematics. Our students in the pre-allied health courses (chemistry, biology, A&P, micro) are highly recruited and well placed for acceptance into nursing programs here and away. Our physics and earth science students engage with faculty in purposeful field experiences and undergraduate research with our university partners. Our mathematics students make Brookhaven their first choice for a strong foundation and first step towards math advancement, research, or engineering. Our GIS graduates are notably, successfully recruited by industry. Our EMGI outreach to K-12 science teachers is embraced and supported by each discipline area within the division. Our faculty is engaged in curriculum development and work collaboratively to ensure that students are offered an exemplary education. Student retention and success rates are high, but more notably our students demonstrate that they have learned academic rigor and practical skills for advancement to career fields or academic university transfer. Sarah Ferguson – LRC – 1. More librarians in place. 2. Include a place for students to work collaboratively together. 3. Have the building quiet – pink noise – used in office spaces where cubicles are used. Create a low level hum. Checking on costs. In three years – a quiet building. Incorporate informed literacy across the campus. Brenda Dalton - Advising Increase number of Case managers to carefully look at new CORE, degree plans, student learning outcomes. Increase partnership with Advising and Admissions. In three years – learning outcomes everyone will be a CASE manager. Next Year’s Goals/Priorities Rodger would like this workgroup to have one or two goals they would like to accomplish in the next year. Some areas to consider: Marketing, teaching and learning, staff development, consistent division leadership, follow policy/procedures, collaboration, creating an identity, teaching expectations and what does exceeds expectations mean (Rodger referenced Kendra’s Top Ten Best Practices draft), space, Scheduling – presently have adequate room but does not allow for growth; hence, possibly going 5 to M-W-F classes; possibly having one person responsible for scheduling all classes, supervision/assistant to the dean Some suggestions: Changing division name to School of …………….. i.e. School of the Arts and develop strong websites to support them. Restraints now are outdated visions. Rodger asked the deans to give a picture of what a School of …………….would look like – what components would be needed. Discuss with faculty/staff. It was stated that the major goal for this workgroup should be staffing appropriately within context of program improvement. This discussion will continue. Other Vernon asked to be allowed to have a CE person attend division meetings that pertain to their respective programs. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. 6