January 5, 2012
Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich,
Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch,
Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Joe Monroy, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti,
Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins,
Marilyn Lynch, Doris Rousey, Grant Sisk, Kendra Vaglienti, Anne Brophy
Important things to know (Rodger asked what happended over the break)
 Thomas Anderson went to Las Vegas during Christmas break
 Doris Rousey went to Casino night on New Year’s Eve
 Juanita Flint went to Mexico
 Everyone else stayed home
Action Item: Rodger will send an e-mail on program improvement presentations that will be in X1091 on
Jan. 10 at 1:30pm.
Student Testing & Academic Dishonesty
As a follow-up to the December 22 conversation on how testing irregularities are handled in all divisions,
Doris asked the group for input. She has a very serious issue with developmental math students. Juanita
replied that Nursing gives an F if documentation is received from the testing center. Student may then be
sent to Student Services for disciplinary treatment, sit out a semester, or expelled. A notation is made in
syllabi containing statement that if caught cheating student, will receive an F.
There is no consistency in dealing with testing irregularities. It was also stated that students should be
made aware of what is not acceptable (no cell phones while testing) and the consequences and possibly
enrolling in an ethics course. This issue will be discussed again.
Financial Aid
Juanita is in process of scheduling summer classes. She wants to be sure students will be made aware that
they will not get financial aid for classes that extend past the scheduled semester dates.
Perkins Update, Perkins Site Visit
Marilyn Lynch gave an update on Perkins. She reported on requisitions processed in 2011 - $13,000 left
that can be applied to the remaining requests plus additional funds made available on January 4 2012.
Marilyn will have the exact amount available on Tuesday, January 10 and will send an e-mail to all with
the information. The funds can be used for purchases that will be used by summer 2012. Funds can be
used for CTE faculty travel. After discussion it was agreed that nursing program required psychology
classes may be able to participate in Perkins funding. Marilyn needs to have the information back to her
by January 20 to meet her January 30 deadline. Marilyn will contact Sandy Wyche about any needs he
may have. This will be discussed again within the next two weeks. Paperwork is being assembled to
show where equipment purchased with Perkins funds is stored.
She also mentioned that the Perkins site visit if scheduled for February 22-23.
1. Kendra Vaglienti asked how class cancellations are being handled. When selecting low classes to
be canceled, it was agreed that they would be put on "hold" for cancellation this early in the
registration process, should they need to be reactivated. Low enrollments will be reviewed again
through out the last week of registration for cancellation.
Action Item: Rodger will talk to Brenda and let her know that Kendra and Doris will be
holding for cancelation some classes today or tomorrow. They will monitor enrollments and
activate as needed.
Rodger also discussed double and triple LGI’s and the number of students in each section.
Rodger asked the deans to make sure they are following the LGI processes and to review if they
are making the LGA numbers consistently.
1. Kendra asked about notice of vacancies and when they should be prepared. Rodger reported no
decision has been made by planning and budget.
Action item: Rodger will follow-up with Thom and Terri about the NOVs.
2. Kendra reported that her division meeting on Report Week is 9:30a.m. on January 9. She asked if
there were any particular items that should be discussed in the meeting.
Student Learning Outcomes
Status and planning for this year – begin looking at SPOL reports and inputting and completed
goal; begin to think about next year plans
Electronic grade rolls
HB 2504 and Syllabi, new faculty vita
Office hours
Talk about QEP
Class size
New THECB CORE to implemented in 2014
Rodger discussed new CORE issues
DCCCD core curriculum plan due to Coordinating Board staff for review by November 23, 2013
Statewide implementation of core curriculum for incoming Freshmen in Fall 2014
The core will be a maximum of 42 hours, no exceptions. A lot of the ACGM courses now have SLO’s
written for them. Other changes: GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2302 will become GOVT 2305 and 2306 and
ECON 1303 will be deleted.
Rodger announced that Rick Maxwell presented to the DCCCD Board Brookhaven College Art student,
Lauren MacKnight, who was awarded second place at the League for Innovation’s National Student Art
Meeting adjourned at 4:40