Gender: Woman
 2. Age: 50 years old
 3. Highest degree: Business Administration
 4. Current company: A Travel Agency of Arsene
Location: North area
Job title: Accounting
Job duties: Administration
Years of working: Thirty years
 1.
Q: Do you need to use English to commutate at work? How
important is it for you to use English to communicate?
A: Um…Actually, I seldom use English because it is not
very important to me.
Q: With what media and on what occasion do you use
English to commutate (phone, conference, email, or faceto face enquiry)? What are the purposes of the
communication (books, greeting, answering enquiries, or
A: We usually use face-to face enquiry, but maybe we will
use conference to commutate. We discuss everything.
You just have problem, we will discuss it.
Q: What language communication problems do you have?
What strategies and resources do you use to solve the
A: If we meet some customers who speak English, we
usually have someone who is professional in English to
talk to them.
Q: What cross-cultural communication problems do you
have? What strategies and resources do you use to solve
the problems?
A: I was a leader when I was young. And I led a big group
to Malaysia. When we arrived, the guide in that area
would deal with our problems. So I don’t have trouble in
this part.
Q: How do you improve your language and cultural
A: I usually learn English by watching movies. I
think that is a interesting way to me.
Q: What help do you think the government, the
society or the company should provide to help
workers improve their English competence?
A: I think government should improve the tourism
policy. So that foreigners can know more about
Q: What suggestion do you have for school
English education?
A: To train their English ability since they were in
elementary school. I think learning English earlier
is better.
Q: How many days do you work?
A: Five days a week. Maybe I will work for six days
or seven days in the future. I’m not sure. If it will
be busy, I would over work.
Thank you