應英二乙 洪碧蓮4A0C0095 林怡婷4A0C0101

1. Gender: male
2. Age:31-35
3. Highest degree: Institute
4. Current company: Tainan Hotel
5. Location:1 Cheng Gong Road, Tainan
6. Job title: Attendant
7. Job duties: Check in/Introduce the sightseeing
spot and the hotel information
8. Years of working:3 years and 2 months
Q:Do you need to use English to commutate at work?
How important is it for you to use English to
A:Yes,I always use formal and appropriate English to
communicate with foreign customers. Thus I totally
agree English is vital to my work.
Q:With what media and on what occasion do you use
English to commutate (phone, conference, email, or
face-to face enquiry)? What are the purposes of the
communication (books, greeting, answering
enquiries, or introduction)?
A:I use telephone、E-mail、
have a meeting face-to-face to book、
consult and answer customer’s problems.
Q:What language communication problems do you
have? What strategies and resources do you use to
solve the problems?
A:Not fit to particular English tune、customers or
colleague’s pronunciation is incorrect and different
kinds of culture、habit、English logic are my
English communication problem.Therefore I solve
this problem via body language 、writing what I’m
talk about or alter another way to explain.
Q:What cross-cultural communication problems do
you have? What strategies and resources do you use
to solve the problems?
A: Different country have different idiom.To solve
this problem,I’ll exhibit the picture or use some
translate tool.
Q:How do you think about the problem solving
experience? How important is it for you?
A:Encounter this situation, I train to communicate
with them rationally.I think service industry must
meet this kind of problem,so each time for me it’s
a chance to learn.
Q:How do you improve your language and cultural
A:Read English newspaper 、watch foreign movie
and learn exotic culture information.
Q:What help do you think the government, the
society or the company should provide to help
workers improve their English competence?
A: Entire English environment to learn、provide
some English courses for us.
Q:What suggestion do you have for school English
A:Enhance student’s listening 、 teach them
about different culture’s knowledge also help
them to get variety of English certification.