1. 跨文化溝通認知 英語溝通與跨文化文溝通需求 1. 請問您在與工作職場中是否需要使用英文與外國客戶溝通? 英文對您的工作有多重要?

1. 跨文化溝通認知
1. 請問您在與工作職場中是否需要使用英文與外國客戶溝通?
Q1-1: 偶爾有需要
Q1-2: 滿重要,不時有外籍觀光客來住宿
2. 您使用什麼樣的工具媒介 (如電話、電子郵件、視訊會議、或者面對面討論
開會)? 溝通目的為何? (如訂位、諮詢、報價、協商、回答等)?
Q2-1: 電話/面對面
Q2-2: 訂位,諮詢還有問價
3. 您有什麼英文溝通的問題?您使用何種策略或資源來解決溝通的問題?
Q3: 旅遊旺季時請有外語溝通能力的工讀生,淡季靠比手畫腳之類的
4. 您曾有什麼有趣或重要的跨文化交流的經驗? 或者曾經有什麼文化差異的溝
Q4-1: 有德國人!
Q4-2: 有德國客人是問說那個餐點是什麼然後我以為他要點這個所以我就做好
5. 如何解決?您有什麼樣的資源或管道可以解決問題?您對這樣經驗的詮釋或
Q5: 客人說沒關係還滿好吃的,就道歉還有賠不是, 經驗很特別阿然後常常出現
6. 您如何增進自己的語言和跨文化溝通能力?.
7. 您覺得社會、政府、或公司需要提供什麼樣的協助?
8. 就您的經驗和專業,請問針對外語或跨文化溝通能力,您對學校教育人才培
Q8: 就都還不錯阿,之前就請過幾個高雄,台南的學生做事都滿認真的,跟外國人
Background Information
1. gender: female
2. Age:
3. Highest degree:___High school____
4. Current company:
Job title:___Boss_____
Job duties:__Cash regist and make breakfast_____
Years of working:__8____
1. Do you need to use English to commutate at work? How important is it for you to
use English to communicate?
Q1-1: Sometimes
Q1-2: Quite important because sometime we will have some foreigner customers.
2. With what media and on what occasion do you use English to commutate (phone,
conference, email, or face-to face enquiry)? What are the purposes of the
communication (books, greeting, answering enquiries, or introduction)?
Q2-1: Talking on the phone and face to face.
Q2-2: Booking and asking for price
3. What language communication problems do you have? What strategies and
resources do you use to solve the problems?
Q3-1: I don't know what they are talking about and I sometimes misunderstanding
their request.
Q3-2: Sometimes I will hired some students whom major in English. In the other way,
I will communicate with them with my body language
4. What cross-cultural communication problems do you have? What strategies and
resources do you use to solve the problems?
Q4-1: I remembered there was a Germany tourist, and I really didn't know what he
talked about.
Q4-2: Once a Germany tourist was asking what the meal is, but I misunderstanding
that he want this dishes.
5. How do you think about the problem solving experience? How important is it for
Q5-1: Fortunately he says that’s okay, it taste very nice.
Q5-2:I learn one thing that is make sure what customer want, then it can reduce
mistake happen.
6. How do you improve your language and cultural competence?
Q6: I’m 49 years old! I think I will let the question to teenagers
7. What help do you think the government, the society or the company should
provide to help workers improve their English competence?
Q7:I don’t really know this, I never asked my staff this kind of question
8. What suggestion do you have for school English education?
Q8:I have hired some students and most of them done a great job, also don’t have
problems on conversation. They help me a lot!