DRAFT College Planning Council Agenda April 22, 2010 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Osceola Campus – Room 2-219B The meeting will last two hours and 15 minutes if the time targets are met, including a 15-minute break. I. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) – Amy Bosley will convene the meeting. II. Action Item: Minutes of February 25, 2009 Meeting (5 minutes) – Susan Kelley. III. Report: 2010-11 Budget Update (15 minutes) – Keith Houck Keith will provide an update on legislative actions that may impact our budget, the process underway to develop the 2010-11 budget, and plans to work with Amy Bosley and Ed Frame to convene the Budget and Financial Advisory Group to review and document the manner in which the draft budget honors the principles and priorities adopted at the February 2010 meeting. IV. Report: Big Meeting (30 minutes) – Amy Bosley and Susan Kelley Amy and Susan will lead the Council in discussing the Big Meeting, and will review the recommendations from the Big Meeting, provide an update on Senior Staff action on the recommendations, review the recommended changes to the wording of the objectives, and share plans to reconvene the goal teams in May and June to finalize an annual goal report for each of the four goals by June 30. The Council will act on the recommended changes to the objectives at its May meeting. BREAK – 15 minutes V. Learning Activity – IPEDS Report (50 minutes) (Amy, you may have another thought about the topic? This one seemed like it might be useful, focusing on the results of all of our planning.) As our Learning Activity for April, Amy will lead the team in discussing the IPEDS report shared by Dr. Shugart as a part of the Big Meeting materials. See: http://www.valenciacc.edu/strategicplan/documents/IPEDS2009DataReport.pdf VI. Acknowledgement of Service of Departing Council Members – (10 minutes) Susan Kelley will ask the Council to acknowledge the service of Amy Bosley as co-chair for 2009-10. Amy Bosley and Susan will ask the Council to acknowledge the service of the following Council members whose terms are ending: Joe Bivins, representing IAC; Jean Marie Fuhrman, representing collegewide faculty; Mary Ann Gagen, representing West Campus Faculty; Carole Nevels, representing Osceola faculty; John Niss, representing Winter Park faculty. Faculty Council and IAC have been asked to appoint representatives for two-year terms starting in May 2010, and ending April 2012. Faculty Council is also being asked to name a faculty “co-chair in waiting,” who will serve on the Council during 2010-11, and succeed Ed Frame as co-chair in 2011-12. VII. Next Meeting Date and Time (5 minutes) – Amy Bosley The next meeting will be held May 27, 2010, on West Campus, in 6-202. The May meeting will be Ed Frame’s first meeting as faculty co-chair.