College Planning Council APPROVED Minutes April 28, 2011

College Planning Council
April 28, 2011
Osceola Campus – Room 2-219B
Council members and staff present: Diane Dalrymple, Linda Downing, John Edwards,
Kurt Ewen, Ed Frame, Bob Gessner, Keith Houck, Susan Kelley, Helene Loiselle, Lisa
Macon, Joshua Murdock, and Joyce Romano
Council guests: Amy Bosley and incoming 2011-12 Council member, Regina Falconer
(whose term begins officially in May).
Council members and staff absent: Jeff Cornett, Ray Enger, Jean Marie Fuhrman,
Yolanda Gonzalez, Dale Husbands, Sean Jennings, Sonya Joseph, Jackie Lasch, Helene
Loiselle, Joe Nunes, Ruth Prather, Pedro Rivera, David Sutton, and Bill White
Welcome and Introductions
Co-chair Ed Frame welcomed Council members.
Action Item: Minutes of January 27, 2011 Meeting
Co-chair Susan Kelley presented the minutes of the meeting of January 27, 2011,
and the Council approved the minutes by consensus, with one change, correcting
the spelling of Kurt Ewen’s last name.
Planning Process Update:
Goal Teams: Susan Kelley reported on progress made by the Goal Teams, and
shared reports presented to the Board of Trustees (with Amy Bosley, CPC cochair 2009-10) in February and March, on behalf of the 2009-10 Goal Teams 1
and 2.
Big Meeting: The Council discussed tentative plans for the Big Meeting, set for
June 2, and for the review of data to be used to inform the work at Big Meeting.
The meeting will focus on the reports and initiatives provided by the Goal Teams,
as well as a presentation on significant work underway at the College.
Data Task Force Team: Susan introduced this year’s Data Task Force Team work
with a brief explanation of their charge. She asked Council members to help in
recruiting 50volunteers to review the new DTFT data, and to report back to the
Council. These reports will then be presented during Big Meeting 2011.
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Governance Review Task Force
Amy Bosley updated the Council on the progress of the Governance Review Task
Force (GRTF). She explained the need of the review as the current governance
process has been in place for over 10 years. The GRTF’s charge is two-fold,
including inquiry and action. At this point, the task force is still in the inquiry
phase, and will meet on May 10, to present the design of the new process.
Amy expressed the need for objectivity in the Governance Review Task Force as
many of the current volunteers are also participants in at least one governing
council. A meeting will be held on June 7 to invite a conversation with current
and former council chairs and co-chairs. The GRTF has a deadline of August
2011 to wrap up work, and the results will then be shared in September.
Internal Communications Task Force
Amy Bosley also introduced the work done by the Internal Communication
Strategy Design Team. The team was commissioned by the College Planning
Council to better understand the current practices, limitations, and opportunities
about organization-wide communication. The charge of the team is to analyze the
current internal communication practices, determine the scope of communication,
and make short and long-term recommendations to support College-wide internal
Amy provided the attached draft handout to the Council for review, and
highlighted the upcoming short-term recommendations as follows:
 Create a formal internal and external communications structure
(incorporating Atlas, the College website, and other communication tools)
 Develop tools and tactics for on-going, audience-focused communications
(including weekly communications, distribution lists, emergency
communications, College-wide and campus-wide communications)
 Develop and publish a Valencia Communicator’s Tool Kit
 Develop and publish a Valencia Collaborator’s Tool Kit
Learning Activity – State Budget and College Financial Planning
Keith Houck provided a brief overview of the College’s finances, including
enrollment and tuition projections for 2011-12.
Keith reminded the Council that as the economy continues to improve, enrollment
typically drops as more students or prospective students return to the workforce.
Appreciation to Departing Members
Susan Kelley invited the Council to express its appreciation to those members
whose terms are expiring at this meeting. The following CPC members were
presented with a token of appreciation for their service:
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Ed Frame, 2010-11 College Planning Council Co-chair
John Edwards, representing Career Staff
Joe Nunes, representing Professional Staff
Dale Husbands, representing the academic deans/IAC
Linda Downing, representing Student Affair
Ray Enger, representing Osceola faculty
Yolanda Gonzalez, representing East faculty
Susan shared that Jean Marie Führman had been named by the Faculty as the
2011-12 College Planning Council Co-chair. The President will select an
administrative co-chair to replace Susan since she retires July 1, 2011.
Susan noted the following new members of the Council, who will replace the
members whose terms end this month:
- Stephanie McMillan, replacing John Edwards, representing Career Staff
- Jessica Morales, replacing Linda Downing, representing Student Affairs
- John McFarland, replacing Ray Enger, representing Osceola faculty
- Regina Falconer, replacing Yolanda Gonzalez, representing East faculty
Replacements for Joe Nunes, from the Professional Staff Council, and Dale
Husbands, from the Instructional Affairs Council, will be named soon.
She also noted that incoming CPC member Bob Gessner will move into the
position reserved for the Faculty President as Lisa Macon leaves office. A new
Faculty Council President-elect will join the Council once that person has been
Susan also took the opportunity to thank everyone for their support as Council cochair and throughout her career at the College. The Council expressed their
appreciation for her dedication and contributions, and wished her well in her
upcoming retirement.
Next Meeting
All Council members were urged to attend Big Meeting on June 2, on West
Campus, in the Special Events Center.
The Council agreed that it was unlikely they would need to meet in May. The next
regular CPC meeting will take place on July 28, 2011, at Winter Park Campus, in
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