DRAFT College Planning Council Agenda November 19, 2009

College Planning Council Agenda
November 19, 2009
2:30 p.m. – 4:40 p.m.
West Campus – Room 6-202
The meeting will last 2 hours and 10 minutes if the time targets are met, including a 15minute break.
Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) – Co-chair Amy Bosley will convene
the meeting. (Note that the Professional Staff Council will be appointing someone
to replace Karen Blondeau, who resigned from the Council.)
Action Item: Minutes of September 24, 2009 Meeting (5 minutes) – Susan
Kelley (See Attachment A.)
Using our consensus model, we will seek approval of the minutes.
Report: Budget and Financial Advisory Group (10 minutes) – Keith Houck
and Amy Bosley will report on the budget forums held on each campus and on the
process for creating the 2010-11 budget, including finalizing recommended
principles and priorities.
Report: Quarterly Budget Report and College Fiscal Planning (20 minutes) –
Keith Houck will share the report on the first quarter of the 2009-10 fiscal year,
and information about fiscal planning underway as we anticipate state revenues,
stimulus funding changes, enrollment growth, and other factors that influence our
financial future.
Report: Planning Update - (15 minutes)
Amy Bosley and Susan Kelley will report on the first joint meeting of the four
Strategic Goal teams on November 10, and the activities planned to prepare for
the Big Meeting on March 19.
The goal team agendas and meeting notes will be accessible by clicking on the
link at the bottom of this page:
Planning Software Update (5 minutes) – Kurt Ewen
Kurt Ewen will provide an update on plans to begin use of the new software tool,
Weave Online, which was discussed at the September CPC meeting. The tool will
be useful to the Goal Teams in preparing reports on strategic goals and objectives.
Also, the CPC will benefit from the tool as a means of making information about
progress on our strategic plan readily available college-wide, adding to the
transparency of the plan’s execution and our evaluation.
BREAK – 15 minutes
Learning Activity – Economic and Demographic Shifts (50 minutes)
Amy Bosley
(See Attachment B for related data provided by IR, noting slides 6, 7, and 17).
The Council members will consider the following statement about resources from
the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) as noted in SCUP
Observations about the changing nature of higher education in the U.S.
“The governance and administration of the academy is likely to continue
being stressed by the economy and shifting demographics.”
Small and large group discussions will be held. The following questions will
prompt thinking and discussion:
How have changes in the economy impacted Valencia?
Have you noticed changes in the demographics of the students entering our
college? If so, how have these changes impacted our work?
Have changes in economics and demographics impacted our capacity to
carry out our strategic plan? If so, how? If not, why?
What implications do these changes in economics and demographics have
for our planning and budget processes?
What questions do you have about economic stressors and demographic
How might these stressors impact our ability to achieve our mission as an
VIII. Upcoming Meetings (5 minutes) – Amy Bosley
The CPC Holiday Party will be held December 17, 2009, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00
p.m., at the Special Events Center, Building 8, on West Campus. All current and
past members of CPC are invited.
The next CPC meeting is scheduled for January 28, 2010, at the East Campus, in
5-112, at 2:30 p.m.
Numerous meetings of the Strategic Goals teams will be held during December March, in order to prepare recommendations for consideration at the annual daylong Big Meeting on the Strategic Plan, on March 19, 2010. CPC members
should mark the entire day of March 19 on their calendars for the Big Meeting.