College Leadership Team Minutes March 27, 2013

College Leadership Team
March 27, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Jeff Cornett,
Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, John White, Nile Stanley
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with minor revisions.
Announcements –
Dr. Lupi announced that the Admissions Office was inquiring if COEHS had any targeted areas for recruitment.
Admissions now have a recruiter that will come to the departments and discuss target areas. Sports Management,
English Education, and Childhood Education are interested in recruitment. Dr. White also will discuss this with his
committee. Chad Learch will be contacting John White, Nile Stanley, and Jason Lee regarding program recruitment.
Dr. White and Dr. Williams enrolled in a common core summer institute which will be at Atlantic Coast High School in
July 2013. Dr. O’Farrell shared that Renee Jackson and/or Melissa Omeechevarria might also be interested.
Dr. O’Farrell reminded the CLT that the final intern seminar is on April 22 and immediately following the seminar will be
the spring education career fair at the student union from 11:00 – 3:00. There are eight districts registered at this time.
Students will be able to sign up for interviews which will be held during the afternoon. Interested students do not have
to be interning this semester.
Dr. Lupi reported that the planning stage for the scholar convocation, which will be held on April 25 @ 5 p.m., is right on
The students going to London this summer are having a rummage sale on Tuesday, April 2 in the 1100A conference
room. Please encourage your faculty to bring in donations; the students will be collecting items February 27, 28 29
outside in front of 1100B from 9:00 – 2:00.
Graduate School Open House at MOCA, April 9. The College of Education will be provided one table. Dr. Lupi will acquire
more information and details. Dr. Stanley offered to attend.
Dr. Cornett and FSE Faculty are looking forward to the partnership with Sandalwood and the triad, working together and
developing research.
Family Festival, April 7 @ 1:00 – 3:00 (Sponsored by the Child Development Center, Gi Gi David, and Nile Stanley)
Story-telling, canoeing, arts and crafts. Location: park across from the development center on the nature trail.
Florida Sterling Council Events (LD)
The Florida Education Summit, May 28. And, The Florida STEM Forum, May 30. Both events will be hosted in Orlando.
Dr. Daniel asked the chairs to discuss representation of these events with department faculty and report back. John
White shared his interest in the May 28 Education Summit.
Meeting with Christine Dahnke (April 24, 11:30 – 1:30) (LD)
Christine Dahnke, Duval County Executive Director for ESOL and World Languages for the district, will be visiting COEHS,
April 24 @ 11:30 – 1:30. Lena Shaqareq will be giving a presentation about what COEHS is doing relative to ESOL, and
Christine will share the district’s initiatives and directives. There will be an open conversation time. Dr. Daniel will invite
COEHS faculty. Dr. Daniel will also invite UNF’s Student Affairs, English Language Program. Time spent at this event may
be an opportunity for faculty to document hours needed for ESOL preparation.
Two COEHS “Procedures” (JW)
Dr. White requested the leadership team to look over two policies, Second Bachelor’s Degree Admissions Requirements
and Florida Teacher Certification Examination. Dr. White seeks feedback before meeting with the executive committee
and faculty assembly.
Adjunct Faculty Needs (LD)
If departments have specific areas where adjunct faculty are needed, Dr. Daniel suggests running an ad in the local
newspaper. If adjunct faculty are needed for distance learning courses, HIREEDJOBS.COM is available at no cost to the
college. Dr. Daniel will check on an ad price for the local newspaper and inquire within the COEHS departments for any
areas to be included in the advertisement. Dr. Lupi would like to inquire if counties send communication to the teacher
population. Create a search plan in UNFJOBS.ORG? There will be more to come on adjunct faculty needs.
Non-Recurring Budget requests (LD)
Dr. Daniel updated the leadership team with an overall picture of what the hiring picture is including visitor lines in nonrecurring dollars. Also during fall 2013, FLDOE and CACREP would like to do a site visit. COSMA and the CCIE will need to
move forward as well; Dr. Kane expects to be ready for COSMA Spring 2013-2014. Dr. Patterson will expect CCIE during
Pending Teacher Education Legislation (LD)
House Bill (863) is clear of all the committees now and ready to go to the floor. In the house version of the bill, private
providers will still have to meet the same reporting and review requirements that any approved certification program
would have to meet. Persons supervising field experiences will have to show recency of experience requirements have
been met. Senate version of the bill (1664) - it was made clear to the senate staffers that the house language was
preferred and hopefully adopted by the senate. Dr. Daniel said they will continue the quest to get the school
administration issues out of the senate bill. We will continue to monitor how they move forward.
Implementation of Common Core Requirements (LD)
See page 7 - FACTE Conference handout. The TLPIC timeline. When the Governor approves the bills they will do the rule
revision workshops. Dr. Daniel would like everyone to get very involved with the rule workshops and how things
articulate into rule 6A. Fall 2013 the approval standards will be initiated and beginning pilot of the new standards.
Before an actual site visit, fall 2013, there would be an initial electronic review. Dr. Daniel said this would be a “held
harmless” visit and the review would not affect COEHS ratings. The dean’s office will look at compensation options for
faculty during this short time line for a site visit.
Discussion - FACTE conference handout (Pages 8-14).
Dr. Torres asked the chairs for updated syllabi with the matrices included. Dr. Torres will talk to faculty about the
recency of experience. Dr. Daniel will send an email and chairs will announce at faculty meetings.
Dr. Torres needs data, through the summer. We need to have data to send to the state.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30.