Mar 13 2013 CLT

College Leadership Team
March 13, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Jeff Cornett,
Jennifer Kane, John White, Sandy Miller Absent: John Kemppainen, John Ouyang
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with minor revisions.
Announcements –
In regards to the Eddy Awards, Thursday, March 14, please let Dr. Daniel know if anyone from the COEHS is interested;
he might still be able to get tickets.
On April 10, the two visiting scholars from Korea and Belarus, Jisook Paik and Yulia Zbarasheuskaya, will each give a
presentation on training teachers and working with children in their prospective countries. A reception will follow. A
flyer will be distributed to the COEHS and university community in the near future.
Dr. Lupi thanked the chairs for providing the names of the award winners for the 5th annual convocation and award
ceremony. Patti will be sending out the letters to the students by the end of the month.
Dr. Lupi gave an update on the March 12 Associate Deans meeting. Charles Learch from admissions shared with the
associate deans that transfer student enrollment is down. Admissions is becoming pro-active in this area and has
assigned a recruiter to focus on transfer students. If there are any programs you would like to see targeted for recruiting
at state or community colleges, let Dr. Lupi know.
Dr. Patterson updated the group on the status of UNF online degrees that will be part of a pilot program - M. Ed in
Special Education, Doctorate in Registered Nursing and Master in Public Health. The Department of Exceptional, Deaf,
and Interpreter Education are corresponding with the Ed. Leadership chair at Lamar University. Dr. Moores will be calling
Lamar University colleagues. Dr. Daniel shared that these programs will operate more on the entrepreneurial model.
Academic Partnerships will be setting up part of the electronic platform; they will be aggressively marketing for the
program helping to recruit students.
The registrar’s office will re-schedule to meet with the CLT to discuss their latest revision of student petition/waiver
Dr. Webb has announced the first draft of the clinical talk force report is on black board for the members of the task
force to review.
Thomasenia Adams and Tom Dana have a NSF grant studying “practices in the teaching of science”. They are trying to
develop a sense of what are common and current activities in areas of teaching science. Dr. Daniel was asked to put a
group together who would be interested in this. Dr. Daniel will get more information from Thomasenia and Tom, and Dr.
Cornett will take leadership in pulling the group together.
2013 Common Core State Standards Summer Institutes (LD)
Registration is now open for the 2013 common core state standards summer institutes. In Duval County, the summer
institute will be at Atlantic Coast High School on July 23rd and July 24th and at First Coast High School on July 25th and July
26th. Dr. Daniel feels it would be advantageous to have at least one representative from each department that offers
teacher education programs attend these workshops. Dr. Daniel will assist with the $30.00 registration fees.
FTCE Reports (CT)
The state has put together a new software tool for making various reports on FTC scores. Dr. Torres can pull students’
first attempt test scores including statistics to tell how long it takes students to be successful after their first try.
Included in the software is the test passing percentage and comparison for state, based on the different objectives of
the subject area exam. Dr. Daniel and Dr. Torres will continue to push for meaningful interpretation of data. The CLT
further discussed the data producing these statistics. Dr. Torres will follow up with Phil Canto with questions about how
this information will be filtered. Dr. Torres would like to run a customized historical report to compare with the current
Human Services UG degree track/program (LD)
The Department of Exceptional, Deaf, and Interpreter Education have very positive feelings about the Human Services
UG degree track/program. Dr. Patterson talked to her faculty about creating such a program and what the possibilities
would be. EDIE understands that this program would be collaborative and would include voices from all programs
moving forward. But, also understands this could be a feeder for some of the graduate programs. Dr. Patterson’s
department would like to move forward but will wait for more direction. They plan to submit an intent to offer this new
program by the September 1, 2013 deadline. This is an opportunity to increase enrollment and also help students who
decide they may not want to be a teacher. EDIE faculty is positive and ready to take initiative.
Dr. Daniel discussed another possible area. There is much interest in Teacher Entrepreneurship. Good ideas are being
developed for looking at teachers as the entrepreneurs in education; looking at teachers as the source of educational
reform. Dr. Kane and the LSCSM faculty will discuss this further. Dr. Daniel will send the information correspondence to
Dr. Kane.
FACTE Meeting (LD)
FACTE will start Monday, March 18 in Tallahassee. Dr. Daniel shared that meetings with the legislature have been set
for Wednesday, March 20th.
Dr. Daniel gave an update on house bill 863 and senate bill 1664, which are the two bills dealing with changes in teacher
preparation programs. The house is beginning their discussion on bill 863 today, March 13. Dr. Daniel shared his
concerns regarding private providers. Dr. Daniel sent in his comments on the part of the bill which would allow private
providers to offer teacher preparation programs. Dr. Lupi said that FACTE asked the membership to provide a list of
faculty holding current Florida state certifications. There is some proposed language that states that persons supervising
field experiences would have to have clinical educator training, minimum three years K-12 experience, and must be able
to show recency of experience.
The group talked about fingerprinting requirements and background checks and the cost to those involved in more than
one county. Dr. Daniel commented that one current bill states there will be a “state wide data base” established.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30.