May 13, 2002

EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of May 13, 2002
Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Marston, Mr. Mc Blaine,
Ms. Pickens, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart.
Procedure 801
Dr. Caldwell’s changes to section IV-Membership and Process of College Council are
accepted with one minor change: Second paragraph first sentence shall read “The
Superintendent/President of El Camino College serves as Chair of the College Council,
facilitates the meetings, determines whether consensus exists, and receives the
recommendations of the College Council.” Two other changes to be made are: section
III number 5 shall read “Operates on a consensus-building basis or a majority vote in an
advisory capacity;” and section VII paragraph 2 shall read “All consultation committees
showing membership and communication channels, i.e., telephone extensions and e-mail
addresses are available on the El Camino College Infonet.”
Mr. Marston reported that Donna Grogan would like to review the procedure and flowchart before adoption. It was agreed to allow her to do so.
Policy 2510-Participation in Local Decision Making
Policy was accepted with minor changes and will be included on the June 24, 2002
agenda for Board adoption.
Amplified Sound
There was a sound check and the decibel level was set at 90. It was decided that there is
no need for a board policy. The students will work with the Vice President-Student and
Community Advancement on this issue in the future.
Community Advisory Committee
President Fallo asked College Council members to identify prominent persons from our 9
communities for membership on this committee. The committee will meet only two or
three times, will consist of 12 members and its purpose is to give us feedback on our
plans from a community viewpoint. Please bring names to May 13, 2002 meeting.
Math Department and Other Recognitions
It was decided that each Vice President will discuss recognition of faculty and staff with
Area Councils. A policy may need to be established in the future setting out guidelines.
Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Monday, May 20, 2002
1. Minutes for May 13, 2002
2. Board Agenda
3. Planning and Budgeting Committee
4. Section 508
5. Procedure 801
6. Policies: 4020- Program and Curriculum Development; 4050- Articulation; 5010Admissions; 5015-Residence Determination; 5500-Standards of Student Conduct;
7150-Administrator’s Professional Development Fund, 7400-Travel
7. Team Reports