April 30, 2001

Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of April 30, 2001
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Hata, Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Simon, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Ely,
Ms. Smith and Mr. Marston.
Academic Affairs - Dr. Nadine I. Hata
1. Project Success had its luncheon.
2. The Organization of American Historian’s Society had their meeting this weekend and
donated a portion of their unsold books to El Camino College.
Academic Senate - Mr. Doug Marston
During the Academic Senate meeting there was further discussion of the proposed
alternative calendar. Discussion of Board Policies and the recommendation to re-establish
the practice of dropping students for nonpayment of enrollment fees will both be on the next
meeting’s agenda.
Student and Community Advancement - Dr. Patricia Caldwell
Dr. Caldwell distributed the Calendar Committee Draft Recommendations along with four
sample calendars. The committee is asking for feedback from College Council, Academic
Senate and students.
President - Dr. Thomas M. Fallo
Dr. Fallo attended a meeting of Statewide Association of Community Colleges (SWACC) in
San Diego. The college’s insurance coverage is obtained through SWACC. We have two
worldwide vendors extending offers for coverage. Dr. Fallo reported that property and
liability insurance may double next year and he is concerned about increasing insurance
rates in Workers' Compensation.
Administrative Services - Mr. Victor Hanson
Mr. Hanson reported that today was the filing of the second period attendance report. Based
on the report for both Fall and Spring we have not reached no-growth status.
Policies: The following policies were discussed:
2350: Speakers
7370: Political Activities
7385: Salary Deductions
Board of Trustees revised
Vic will make revisions and bring back
Vic will make revisions and bring back
Agenda for Meeting of May 7, 2001
1. Minutes of the Meeting of April 30, 2001
2. Team Reports
3. Policy Review 7100, 7250, 7330, 7350, 7370, 7385, 7600 and 6000 series.
May: Policy 2510: Participation in Local Decision Making