December 15, 2003

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of December 15, 2003
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Pickens, Ms. Smith, Dr. Simon, and
Ms. Stewart.
1. Board Agenda
a. There was a question as to why the rates of pay vary for instructors for the Community
Education courses. Pat Caldwell has this information.
b. Ms. Smith will meet with Marcy Wade to discuss the terminations listed in Human
Resources page 8 prior to the Board meeting this afternoon. These may be pulled from
the agenda.
c. The dollar amounts on Measure “E” section page 3 were in place at the time of the
ballot. These numbers will be modified once the final approvals are given for project
d. The Environmental Impact Report and Facilities Master Plan will be presented to the
Board for adoption.
e. Board Goals
1. These goals were created by President Fallo to give Board members an
opportunity to discuss or change them.
2. It was suggested that the Board adopt goals that are measurable.
2. There is a concern about the demo tables in Chemistry. Mr. Hanson and Dr. Hata will give a
status report at the next meeting.
3. President Fallo distributed the Underfunded Caucus newsletter for review. This will be
discussed at the January 20, 2004 meeting.
4. The Governor may suspend Proposition 98.
5. President Fallo distributed the Planning and Budgeting Committee recommendations on vacant
and frozen positions.
6. College Council will meet on Thursday, January 22, 2004 from 12-3:30 in Admin 127 to
review policies.
Agenda for January 20, 2004
1. Approval of Minutes for December 8, 2003 & December 15, 2003
2. Board Agenda
3. Team Reports
4. Underfunded Caucus