November 12, 2003

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
November 12, 2003
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
____Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
____David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
____Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: Changes: Under Marcy Wade – Change ACRO to ACHRO.
November 4 were then approved.
The minutes of
Winter Recess: Copies of the latest draft of the winter recess memo were shared with the group.
The president hasn’t signed off on the final version yet. Comments: Why do we even need the
memo? It was felt that it will only raise more questions and create more confusion.
Planning Status
 Donna will be shutting Q-builder down today to work on it. Current work in Q-builder
will have to be deactivated at the user level.
 Arvid Spor is meeting with all areas and divisions that requested a meeting. Regarding
the December 19 deadline, it was noted that Pat Caldwell and Arvid are mostly concerned
that goals and objectives have been identified and forwarded. It was assumed that the VP
offices will be doing goals and objectives also. Decisions on common objectives need to
be made. Project descriptions should lead into what budget amounts will be needed.
 During the first two weeks in December there will be some open labs and training for
those who want it.
Annual Reports: The vice presidents are preparing a memo to the president recommending that
the annual report for this year should be suspended due to the Q-builder issues, planning
meetings and functions, etc. They are also recommending a different cycle where reporting for
the fiscal year ending in June would be done at the end of September.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Janice Ely: After reading Celina Luna’s comments to the newspaper on the additional
student fees, a community member came forward wanting to pay her fees for her. They
are looking into how this would be handled.
 Pam Fees: They have not received any complaints about the fees, and they are starting to
receive the requested fees.
 Maurice Elmore: There was a water main rupture at the fire academy in Inglewood
yesterday. The plumber and contractor will meet there today to determine if it can be
repaired by Friday, which is graduation day. Vic acknowledged receipt of the E-mail on
his request for custodians.
 Rocky Bonura: The power failure last week was caused by a major underground
explosion behind the Student Activities Center which was so powerful it blew out two
manhole covers. Although the emergency response went well for the most part, there
were some problems. Valerie Wagner will be setting up a meeting to critique the
problems encountered. Noted:
 About 50% of the building captains weren’t available. This demonstrated that
backups are needed and all employees need to be trained in what to do during
situations like this. Donna volunteered to be an alternate, and she requested an
emergency radio for the Library basement.
 Two departments let people go home without getting approval from the incident
 Some directions were unclear (ex. what was to be shut down on the computer, etc.)
 The people doing the actual repairs were inundated with questions from all sides.
They need to be isolated from all but one contact person so they can focus on the task
at hand.
 Radio communication is not for routine questions and needs to be limited to
emergency items. (Training item)
 The new elevator company responded quickly and was very helpful.
 The actual electrical shutdown was only about ten minutes. Kudos to facilities for the
speedy power repair.
Janet Clarke: She gave a deposition subpoena from URM to Bob Gann because it
required that the most knowledgeable person appear on January 5, 2004.
Bob Gann: He made a presentation on ECC’s management of the bond implementation
at a conference in Sacramento last week.
Donna Manno: She is planning to close her office the week of January 5.
Marcy Wade
 LCW workshops are being held today in the Library. The morning topic is sexual
harassment, and the afternoon topic is workplace violence.
 The president will provide the welcome to the ACHRO conference tomorrow.
Holiday Lunch: It was noted that the Elephant Bar doesn’t have a separate room for groups;
however, if the majority of the group is there at 11:30, they can provide a separate section. Some
felt a separate room was more conducive to the holiday lunch and white elephant gift exchange.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.