EL CAMINO COLLEGE Community Advancement Division Council June 18, 2014

Community Advancement Division Council
June 18, 2014
Department Updates
Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Darling Garcia:
1) Compton: Started summer courses at Compton in Machine Tool Technology 101 and
2) High School Student Program: Students take machining classes, get college credit
and receive a tool box at the end of the semester. We have 20 students enrolled.
3) Northrop Grumman: Started a Geometric Dimensioning &Tolerancing (GD&T) class
at Northrop. It will be provided onsite twice a week. Students will receive college
credit. We have 11 students enrolled.
4) National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant: Currently writing the final report and
waiting to hear if we’ll be funded again for the next round.
5) High School Instructors: Paid for enrollment fees for instructors to receive training in
Project Lead the Way so that they can teach it at their high schools.
6) Wrapping up end of fiscal year details, moving budgets forward and preparing for the
new fiscal year.
Center for Customized Training (CCT) – Maricela Vital:
Employment Training Panel (ETP)
1) EPT ET14-0800 AB118 Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology
1) Cerritos is offering training to mechanics on a regular basis through August 2014.
2) City College of San Francisco is coordinating training for BART (Bay Area Rapid
Transit) and San Francisco MTA (Municipal Transportation Agency).
ETP ET13-0125 Two Year Contract:
1) All training under this contract concluded.
2) Final invoices are being processed by ETP.
ETP ET14-0217 Two Year Contract: Classes are taking place through our training
partners as well as our own clients.
Contract Education Training:
1) City of Torrance completed their second set of cohorts of DDI (Development
Dimensions International) training.
Grants – Jennifer Hutcherson:
1) We have two big grants going on: the TAA CCCT(Trade Adjustment Assistance
Community College and Career Training) and the H1B. With the H1B we are also
doing a partnership with the CMTA. This project supports employee training in
advanced manufacturing and information technology.
2) We decided not to do the TAA CCCT grant with the CACTs.
3) Still working on the AB 86, Adult Education project program. The first report for that
is due on July 31st.
4) We are also helping the Counseling Office with their first HBCU (Historically Black
Community Colleges and Universities) report.
5) (Jose) We received news two weeks ago about the winners of the Career Pathways
Trust Grant Fund. We were on a number of them. We were successful with three.
One is Long Beach City College’s $15 million; the others include Inglewood and
Centinela. These are funds to create career pathways from high schools to El
Camino College. In the whole state there was a total of $250 million awarded. The
K-12s have been lagging in terms of developing career pathways in CTE (Career
and Technical Education) programs. So these funds are really good. Unfortunately
they weren’t enough. What is really nice is that last week the Governor proposed an
additional $250 million for the next fiscal year.
Community Education – Veronica Mendoza:
1) Kid’s College 2014: In progress.
Small Business Development Center – Laura Garinger:
1) Star went to Terminal Island Prison and met with Kimberly Henderson regarding the
NxLevel series workshop to offer to prisoners that will soon be released. They did
agree on the 10-week series and Star will go there once a week for 10 weeks to
teach the series. NxLevel prepares entrepreneurs for business startups and upon
completion they should have a solid written business plan.
2) LauraLee Garinger, Nancy Cisneros and Dan Hancuff will be attending the
Connecting Women to Power Business Conference on Friday, June 20th at California
State University Dominguez Hills from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Dan Hancuff will be a
panel speaker regarding business law, permits and legal structure. LauraLee and
Nancy will have a table with marketing materials to promote our center and recruit
new clients.
3) The Small Business Orientation workshops have had such a high attendance (17 to
24 people), that we have decided to offer them each week starting in July, instead of
twice a month. It is difficult to do individual assessments in an hour when so many
people attend.
4) Additional workshops being offered this month include Business Licensing,
Corporations & LLC’s on 6/19, How to estimate Start-Up Costs and Quick
Books/Level 4 on 6/12, Market Research for Small Businesses and Marketing Your
Business With Video on 6/25, Small Business Orientation, The Basics of Starting a
Business and Export Workshop on 6/26.
Workplace Learning Resource Center – Maryann Cohan:
1) Maritime Training: Doing pretty good. Took in over $100,000 for registration for the
STCW Maritime classes. As of July 1st the STCW (Standards for Training,
Certification & Watchkeeping) class price is being increased by $50.00 to cover the
cost of the Fire Academy. Eldon will be over the Fire Academy part of the program.
We’re having a class going on right now. We have a new instructor at the Fire
Academy. The Advanced Fire class scheduled for the last week in June has been
postponed until we can get an instructor trained. Security Awareness class is
scheduled for January 12th. Vessel Security Officer curriculum is being modified to
include more class time.
2) Metropolitan Detention Center: We have the Parenting contract over there. The 5year contract expired and we were given an extension. At their current Board
meeting, we were given a second extension until September 30th. Another 5-year
contract should be announced soon. Denise DiPasquale developed a Blueprint for
Success class that is ongoing right now at the detention center.
3) Terminal Island: We are waiting to get approval for a Blueprint for Success class at
this prison. That will also include a Job Fair. We have a Welding contract that will
start October 1st.
1) The Legislature passed the Governor’s May budget revise. The community colleges did very
well. The colleges will get growth money. The economic and workforce development program
received an additional $50 million. Those monies will go to support the CTE side of the house.
David Gonzales submitted a proposal for some of those dollars to buy equipment for some of
the community colleges in the Los Angeles region. The Governor’s budget also included an
additional $250 million for the Career Pathways Trust grant.
2) Our two Sector Navigator and one Deputy Navigator grants were renewed for another year.
Retail and Hospitality received $250,000, as did Advanced Manufacturing.
3) The Child Development Center is closing on July 1st. In its place will be Pacific Asian
Consortium in Employment. PACE is a child development center organization with sites
throughout the county. Predominantly they work with LACOE (Los Angeles County Office of
Education). They will take over the old Child Care Center. It will be open only to parents that
have a certain income level. Our students and employees could qualify.