Tuesday, March 5, 2013 2:00 pm Room 2030

Administrative Services Managers Meeting
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
2:00 pm
Room 2030
Spring Andrews, Dan Borges, Victoria Lewis, Loree McCawley, Oscar Guillen, Joe
Nugent, Roy Pirchio, Michael Robins, Shelley West
Graciano Mendoza, Ray Rider, Barbara Shingai
Victoria opened the meeting at 2:00 pm.
Review Action Items from last meeting: All done.
1) F/U with Joe re: contractor invoices for building 800 to make the
STEM loan payment
2) Forward survey results to Joe and Michael
3) Goal to have Board set up with iPads for February board meeting
4) Check with auditors re bookstore inventory transfer
Program Plans:
Site visit: the week of 10/14/13 to review documentation and interviews
We are to review Board Policies that have not been reviewed since 2006 prior to the
visit. League policies are to be used as a model. Policies reviewed in 2007 are ok.
All program reviews are to be done by June 30, 2013.
Emergency Preparedness:
We are updating materials for emergency preparedness at the managers meeting
tomorrow. The Google doc will be sent out during the meeting.
Budget Planning Negotiations:
A $2.5M deficit is anticipated in 2013-14. There will be a 2012-13 deficit but we will
have reserves for that.
CCFT will begin negotiating just after the April board meeting. Their main priority is
salary compensation. We don’t have enough information on the budget/funding to
have any in depth discussion at this time. Other items of interest are instructor safety,
smoking, and more adjunct employee benefits. They have a three year contract open
and would like to ratify by May 20th. Part of the flexibility we want in both contracts
is around the Student Success initiative. We are using the board goals to guide
negotiations for all employee groups.
CCEU will sunshine in April/negotiations begin in May. CCEU is not indicating they
have big issues to discuss.
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IT Upgrades: IT is trying to accomplish updates without using staff overtime/weekend
work; there will be times software will be down for short periods of time.
Construction Update:
GTC received final DSA approval
Building 800 is four days behind schedule; they are expecting to catch up.
Building 600 is going out to bid this month.
VAPA remediation is on schedule.
Building 450 stairway was deemed unsafe for access.
We are attempting to identify a total cost of ownership for facilities. Large projects
like HVAC systems are failing, a new key system is needed, etc. Oscar and Joe are
developing a list of current maintenance projects estimated at $8.5M. Most colleges
look at cost per square foot. Joe is approaching it from cost of carpet, paint, etc.
Another bond may be considered related to safety and repairs—rekeying campus,
security systems, network infrastructure.
There will be another Staff Development training 3rd week in May for classified,
confidentials and some management.
Rachel sent out a professional development survey—please reply by tomorrow’s
Managers meeting.
Please note Rachel proposes closing Watsonville Center during spring break.
The Educational Master Plan is on the planning and research and CPC websites.
The Facilities Master Plan will be completed by the end of spring semester.
We are also updating the strategic plan (annual June Board update).
There is an ARCC presentation at CPC tomorrow. Rick does a good job at making
the complex understandable.
We are working with Planning & Research to make sure the plans are aligned.
Action items:
1) Program plans due by June 30, 2013
2) Watsonville Center closed during spring break
3) Professional Development Survey to Rachel
The meeting was adjourned at 2:42 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tatiana Bachuretz
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