Tuesday, December 6, 2011 2:00 pm Room 804A

Administrative Services Managers Meeting
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
2:00 pm
Room 804A
Dan Borges, Victoria Lewis, Loree McCawley, Graciano Mendoza, Joe Nugent,
Roy Pirchio, Ray Rider, Barbara Shingai, Shelley West
Serena Muindi
Review Agenda/action items—
Dan will send the IT project plans to ASM.
Title III Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Grant:
The original space plan indicated the executive staff would move back to the 100
building; in considering how to limit the number of moves, staff displacement and to
contain costs, cabinet agreed to move:
Victoria’s office to purchasing office in early January.
Brian’s office to SAC West 205
Renee’s office to SAC West 213
Several areas of student services will move downstairs. FTTW, Puente, Student
Graciano will meet with Tama to explore options A& R and bank staff to share
IT Update:
Datatel User Interface (UI) 4.3 to replace 2.3 (end of life 12/31/11). The upgrade
is going well; some machines cannot run the new interface; approximately 100
machines will need to be replaced ($75,000 District-wide and one time funds).
Since Administrative Services identified funds for computer replacements, we
will probably revisit what else can be done with those funds since computers are
being replaced due to the UI 4.3 upgrade. A training schedule has been developed
in January in the TLC. Not everyone will be a 4.3 user, but training will be
available for those that need it.
The Aptos Data Center will be shut down Wednesday 12/28 thru Friday, 12/30 for
a major structural upgrade to the data center. During that time there will be no
email or web services available; other services may be only partially available.
The webpage will say that Cabrillo is offline for the moment but there will be a
Verizon connection to run the theater operations because there are performances
during that time. It is not anticipated that Payroll or Human Resources will be
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It is anticipated that Serena will inventory copiers in January. There will be a
comprehensive college wide effort to evaluate available resources. Department
budgets don’t allow for copier replacement.
It was requested that Dan draft context for managers for the IT projects, such as
why 4.3 is necessary. The MIS reporting project plan is a transitional issue with
Sue’s retirement, currently there is a team managing MIS reporting. There needs
to be an analysis and scheduled plan for turnover of printers and faxes
Bookstore Update
The bookstore, duplications and food services task force had a productive meeting last
month and the bookstore committee meets today. The task force supports combining
services and recruiting an auxiliary services manager. Casey’s interim appointment ends
12/15/11; the bookstore staff will probably not have a manager for a while; it is not clear
how that will impact Teresa.
Budget Planning
The budget workshop to analyze the Governor’s January state budget will be January 13.
Cabrillo’s $3.5 million deficit is reduced to $3.2 million due to retirements. Cabinet will
review carryover and one time carefully to try to identify resources for reserves to bridge
the deficit. We will begin to work on reducing the budget again and roll out a budget
reduction plan. We have been working within our component to identify priorities and
allocate resources.
Construction Update
Joe gave a brief update of construction projects, smart classroom renovation, and the
expansion of the Business Office.
Both Health and Wellness and Building 300 need equipment
The Green Technology Center (GTC) is close to completion; equipment, phones,
data will be installed over the next few months.
DSA is still backlogged and has been a lot less responsive during the summer.
Bond reconciliation—staff is working to determine what bond funds and
commitments remain to determine what is available for classroom renovation.
Remediation for the VAPA complex will begin this spring
Watsonville Server room will require new A/C
800 renovation is progressing beginning with the moves during the break
600 building classrooms will receive renovations/planning to occur in spring
Numerous other small projects are in progress including smart classrooms, 1100,
Other items:
Emergency Preparedness: Harry and Tatiana are developing a Quick Reference
Guide and will post online for managers to review. Feedback is requested by the
end of December (two to three weeks to review the materials).
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CCEU negotiations: down to a few articles, the classification study and layoff
article. Given it is so late in 2011-12, the District proposes to continue and to
move onto 2012-13 negotiations.
Victoria would like to schedule a celebratory lunch in January. Tatiana will
contact you with possible dates.
The Board book going green and fewer copies will be printed. Do we need to
print the audit?
Classified prioritization process/SPRAC—there will be an update at CPC
Action items:
1. Send facilities plan to management team
2. How many copies of District audit needed?
The meeting was adjourned at 2:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tatiana Bachuretz
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