REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Facilities Planning Committee LRC 107 2:00 p.m. April 30, 2012 Meeting Notes PRESENT Bill Hole, Lee Lindsey, Geisce Ly (phone), Theresa Sisson, Maggie White and Lorie Walsh. CALL TO ORDER Lee Lindsey called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. SUMMARY NOTES The summary notes from the March 19, 2012 meetings of the Facilities Planning Committee will be forwarded for approval at the May 7, 2012 meeting. DISCUSSION WRAP UP There was discussion regarding how the year went for the committee, what was accomplished and what can be done better. It was noted that some Program Review processes are being modified that will help make the Resource Requests (Needs Addendums) forwarded to the committee easier to rank. Part of the process will include the chairs of each committee meeting and reviewing the Resource Requests to assure that requests are appropriately distributed to each committee. The Resource Request will also include a section for “total cost of ownership” for items that require updating or ongoing maintenance. To close the loop if a department or program received funding the year before they will provide some documentation of how the need was met and what difference it made. FACILITIES MASTER & STRATEGIC PLAN The committee discussed the Strategic Master and Education Master Plans. Lee noted that both plans will show where the district wants to go in the future but they are not contemplating a high level of growth. The main section of the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) needs to be geared toward this. There also needs to be a section in the FMP that addresses what the district will do in future if funding improves. At the next FPC meeting on May 7, Dr. Goswami will address the committee regarding the Facilities and Strategic plans and give the committee a charge. OTHER There was discussion about closing the 101 corridor sites and what will be done with the furniture and equipment from these locations. Some type of prioritization will be done to redistribute the furniture and equipment to areas of the campus that need it most. There was also discussion regarding Measure Q projects that have been funded but have not yet been completed. ADJOURNED 3:15 p.m. SUBMITTED lw