FACILITY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, September 28, 2011 11:00 a.m. BOARDROOM Phone available for Del Norte & Mendocino call-in 1. Call Meeting to Order – 8:30 a.m.. 2. New Business 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Introductions Approve Minutes from September 7 & 12, 2011* Finalize list for Measure Q Planning and Prioritization Process Meeting Schedule 3. Future Agenda Items 4. Adjourn CCC Confer Information PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your passcode: 237768 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Facilities Planning Committee Boardroom 11:00 a.m. September 7, 2011 DRAFT Meeting Notes PRESENT Tim Flanagan, Anita Janis (phone), Ray Kingsbury, Lee Lindsey, Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Mendoza, Lorie Walsh, Maggie White and Lorie Walsh. ALSO PRESENT Doug Edgmon, Tami Engman, Joe Hash, Bill Hole, Bob Brown, Tino Romero, Doug Oliveira and Keith Snow-Flamer. CALL TO ORDER Lee Lindsey called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. MINUTES It was moved/seconded (Mendoza/Wells) to approve the notes from the March 28, 2011, meeting of the FPC. INTRODUCTIONS Lee Lindsey, Vice President, Administrative Services introduced himself and asked for others to do the same. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Committee membership was confirmed and it was noted that a student representative will be sought to serve on the committee. PRIORITIZATION Lee presented a spreadsheet that listed categories of Measure Q OF MEASURE Q projects that are currently in progress, completed and proposed. He FUNDS asked that the committee look at the overall immediate needs of the entire district and develop a prioritized list of projects for the allocation of the remaining Measure Q funds approximately $10M. There was discussion among the committee regarding emergent needs across the district. It was also noted that there is a need to work towards district-wide ADA compliance. Members of the audience expressed their concerns with the need to update existing facilities that are used for instruction including the Applied Technology building and the Athletics Facilities. There was discussion regarding the need to form a new committee or subcommittee to oversee the ADA concerns of the district. The committee will meet again on Monday, September 12, with the goal to prioritize the list of Measure Q projects. MEETING SCHEDULE It was decided that regular meetings will occur monthly on Mondays at 2:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified. ADJOURNED 12:20 p.m. SUBMITTED lw Redwoods Community College District Meeting of the Facility Planning Committee Boardroom 2:00 p.m. Draft Meeting Notes September 12, 2011 PRESENT Tim Flanagan, Utpal Goswami, Anita Janis (phone), Ray Kingsbury, Lee Lindsey, Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Wells, Maggie White. Also attending were Greg Grantham (phone), and Bill Hole. CALL TO ORDER Maggie White, Co-chair called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. MINUTES Minutes from the last meeting, held on September 8th, were not yet available. OLD BUSINESS Discussions continued on the Measure Q Project Descriptions List. Items added to the list are a remodel at the LRC and the sewer connection to the city of Eureka for the Main Campus. The sewer connection is not part of the utility infrastructure project/funding. President Goswami discussed how important it is to let the appropriate departments prioritize their projects with the allotment of funding they are given. FPC should not be the ones telling the departments how to spend their funding; only “how much” they will be getting for their requests that were submitted and approved. Maggie asked Utpal when this committee needs to get the project list to him. Utpal responded that he initially would have liked to give the Board of Trustees a report in October, but that a report to the Board in November will be just fine, given the time constraints the committee has been under. The committee talked about their thoughts on ranking or categorizing the items on the list, to come up with a more concise spreadsheet. Some categories brought up were: Safety, Compliance, and Instruction. Geisce reminded the committee that we need to be sure that we are focusing on the true needs. The next meeting was scheduled for September 26th at 2:00pm in the Boardroom. ADJOURNED SUBMITTED The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. te