Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
February 18, 2010
Members Present: Travis Childs, Sharon Christensen, Jennifer Dennis, Joel Dering, Courtney
Glazer, Jennifer Holloway, Paulette Hood, Kurtis Koll, Howard Kuchta, Teresa Lubrano, Lynda
Robinson, Michelle Smith, Debbie Stoll, Jan Thomas, and Ronna Vanderslice
Members Absent: Mike Dunn, Russell Graves, Greg Hoepfner, John Hodgson, Tobias Kuhn,
Vivian Thomlinson, and Philip Zaninelli
Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. OCTP’s Annual Report for 2009 was released. It contains Cameron’s
accreditation decision (the only one without any areas for improvement)
and pass rates for state tests. Page 19 of the report lists the aggregate pass
rate by teacher preparation programs. This is based on the scores from
people who Cameron “claims.” We only claimed 35 students out of about
200 who took the OGET and 78 out of about 300 who took the OSAT. We
may need to revisit the criteria used to claim students for those tests. As an
aside, approximately 35% of the new teachers in Oklahoma this year came
through the alternative certification program.
B. Pending Legislation
1. HB 2004-Mental Health Bill: an unfunded mandate to add training
and professional development in recognizing and dealing with
students with mental health problems
2. HB 2296-Administrative experience expanded: will add teaching
experience in private and charter schools to current requirement of
teaching in accredited public schools
3. HB 2747-Annual public forum and add-on: will delete the
requirement for the Annual Public Forum, will delete the committee
that reviews teacher education faculty professional development,
add-on from CCOSA will allow candidates to again test in to ECE and
special education
4. HB 2927-Deregulation for financial crisis (Representative Coody): will
allow schools with significant budget cuts to not have to meet all
mandates, e.g. class size
5. HB 3111-Alternative certification for superintendent of technology
6. HB 3259-Alternative certification: a shell bill to revisit again the work
experience requirement and the regulations regarding which fields a
candidate can test into
7. SB 0747-Licensure for school psychometrist and psychologist: will no
longer have to pass OPTE
8. SB 2129-Virtual School Task Force: may ask universities to address
how they prepare candidates to teach in virtual schools
C. Teacher Education Day at the Capitol happened on February 17th. The
following student representatives were on hand: Melissa Price
(elementary), Wilson Rodriguez (romance languages), Kyle Williams
D. If funded, we will be looking for programs to nominate students to attend
the Character First Training Summer Institute. Students should be juniors.
E. BOE Training will happen February 25-26, 2010; they will be using
Cameron’s evidence as part of the training.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Other Business
Old Business
1. Packet contains approved minutes from November 2, 2009 meeting
New Business
1. Request for course modification: BIOL 2124 – This modification comes
from the Curriculum Committee which identified the change as
affecting the biology education program. This change to the
prerequisites reflects a change to the core course sequence. Howard
Kuchta made the motion to approve and Joel Dering seconded. The
motion was approved.
A. Thank you to everyone who participated in Teacher Education Preview
night. 700 postcards were mailed to undecided majors; 6 people
attended. This may have been due to the aftermath of the ice storm. In
the future, we will consider reaching undergraduate students during
the day and possibly right before enrollment.
B. Courtney shared advisement and admission reminders on the “Cheat
Sheet” handout. If advisors encounter a problem, feel free to contact
Courtney or Lorinda.
C. Please share any feedback on the Advisory Committee Meetings with
Ronna or Howard. Next time, the plan is to have all programs meet on
the same day. Also, Sharon would like the cookies to be available
throughout the entire meeting .
D. As programs are completing their program reports, remember to
consider what data you need and what format is preferable. You can
communicate this to Howard. We will discuss this again next month.
Meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer