I, .. :CU~ Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
September 13, 2007
3:30 p.m.
Nance-Boyer Hall, Room 1075
Members Present: Sharon Christensen, Joel Dering, Mike Dunn, Courtney Glazer, Russell
Graves, Ramona Hall, Joe Jones, Marge Kingsley, Teresa Lubrano, Sherry Reynolds, Debbie
Stoll, and Ronna Vanderslice
Members Absent: Jessi Brennan, Claudia Edwards, Kurtis Koll, Michelle Smith, Jan Thomas,
and Philip Zaninelli
Others Present: none
Proceed ings:
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanderslice
Last month's meeting minutes were approved.
Director of Teacher Ed Report was given.
New Director of Program Accreditation, Linda Reid - at CU on October 15th to
become oriented with new programs
State-level BOE training - January 2008 (3 days)
OCTP working on 2009 partnership agreement with NCATE - first priority is
program report process & expectations
OCTP/OATEIOACTE Conference - November 8-9, Stillwater
Admission and Retention Committee Report.
Will now include information about those'who could not be admitted & the
remediation given, e.g. did not pass OGET
Other Business
Old Business
Mike Dunn made a motion to include only education faculty members on
the departmental assessment committee and to not include program
representatives from other departments. Russell Graves seconded the
motion, which passed.
New Business
Process for candidates who don't meet admission requirements
Will now document those who do not meet requirements with
Ramona Mott providing remediation information that has already
been approved
Modification of field experience evaluations
Sherry Reynolds made a motion to approve the modified evaluation
instrument as amended. Marge Kingsley seconded the motion,
which passed.
Course modification requests for SIOL 2034
Teresa Lubrano made a motion to accept the modification taking
out the requirement of departmental permission. Debbie Stoll
seconded the motion, which passed.
Course modification requests for EDUC 5613 & EDUC 5643
Courtney Glazer made a motion to accept the course modifications
changing prerequisites to undergraduate level courses. Sherry
Reynolds seconded the motion, which passed.
Course modification requests for EDUC 5653 & EDUC 5683
Sherry Reynolds made a motion to accept the course modi'f!cations
aligning the reading practica with IRA standards. Mike Dunn
seconded the motion, which passed.
Faculty Development Plan/Committee
Sherry Reynolds made a motion to accept the Faculty Development
Plan with the following changes: (1) the change of the committee's
name to the Education Faculty Development Committee and (2) the
addition of the Teacher Education Council as faculty "identified as
being significantly involved in the teacher education process" and
the faculty development documentation forms. Russell Graves
seconded the motion, which passed.
Sharon Christiansen "volunteered" to serve as the Teacher
Education Council representative to the Education Faculty
Development Committee,
New program report submission date - October 15
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer, Coordinator of Field Experiences