COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee September 23, 2014 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
September 23, 2014
2:00 p.m.
2014-15 #2
E. Towell (chair), A. Dzuranin, J. Johnson, J. Burton, V. Krishnan, C. Petersen, A.
Singh, A. Buhrow, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
J. Ferguson
G. Aase, B. Cripe
Action on Minutes
Minutes from the First Meeting, September 9, 2014, were approved as revised.
UBUS 310
It was announced the GPA requirement for enrollment in UBUS 310 will remain at 2.75.
Members reported feedback from their respective departments as to whether UBUS 310
is the best delivery of the four cross-functional areas of business. A motion was
approved to table further discussion of UBUS 310/UBUS 311 until after the catalog
copy deadline.
Accountancy Curricular
The committee continued its discussion from the last meeting on the proposal submitted
by Accountancy. B. Cripe was present to give input and answer questions. The proposal
includes: the deletion of ACCY 310S/510S, two new undergraduate courses (in data
analytics and a writing lab), revision to their undergraduate degree requirements which
includes adding the new courses and deleting MGMT 346, and several revisions to
prerequisites/corequisites of courses generally for sequencing purposes within the
undergraduate program. After lengthy discussion, the proposal was approved. (See pages
1-7 of 12)
OM&IS Curricular
The committee approved a proposal from OM&IS to revise the requirements for their
Business Systems Analysis area of study, certificate of undergraduate study in Business
Analytics Using SAP Software, and Master of Science in Management Information
Systems degree. Two new graduate courses were also approved. (See pages 11-12 of
MGMT Curricular Items
The following Management items were approved by the committee: revision to the
requirements for the Leadership and Management undergraduate emphasis and to the
certificate of undergraduate study in Social Entrepreneurship, title change for MGMT
335/635, and changes to the internship courses for the BADM and MGMT majors. (See
pages 1, 7-11 of 12)
OM&IS Walk-On Item
A proposal to revise the B.S. degree requirements for their majors was distributed by
OM&IS. The proposal adds an upper-division OMIS elective course and deletes MGMT
346 as a requirement. G. Aase was present to explain the rationale for this change.
Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:03 p.m.
Minutes approved: October 7, 2014
James Burton, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary