COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee March 24, 2015 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
March 24, 2015
2:00 p.m.
2014-15 #9
E. Towell (chair), A. Dzuranin, J. Johnson, J. Burton, V. Krishnan, C. Petersen, C. Higgins,
A. Singh, A. Buhrow, L. Marcellus
Action on Minutes
Minutes from the Eighth Meeting, March 3, 2015, were approved as presented.
Review of UBUS 311
Course Content
The committee continued its discussion of UBUS 311. Based on the directive made earlier
in the semester by the College Curriculum Committee to incorporate into the course more
formal instruction on team leadership skill development, a meeting of the UBUS 311 team
leaders, the UBUS 310/311 coordinator, a Management faculty member with expertise in
team dynamics, and the College Curriculum Committee chair took place. As a result of their
discussion, a modified course schedule was created. This schedule was presented to the
College Curriculum Committee at today’s meeting. After review, the committee felt the
additional class time added to the schedule on team communication, conflict management,
and team dynamics was not sufficient enough. As discussion continued, the committee
recommended the revised schedule be looked at by the Management Department for their
input. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Survey of UBUS 311
Course Preparation
The survey to be administered to UBUS 311 students was discussed which will ask students
currently enrolled to list the number of minutes spent outside class preparing for each of the
course topics/assignments/projects. The survey will be anonymous. After revisions, the
survey was approved to be administered to students at the end of this semester.
Data Analytics
The importance of including data analytics in the business curriculum was discussed. The
development of a certificate in data analytics was suggested. Accountancy and OM&IS will
meet to create such a certificate and talk with the other College of Business departments
seeking their involvement if desired. Ann Dzuranin will attend a College Senate meeting to
make them aware of the anticipated certificate along with discussion of possible resource
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: April 7, 2015
James Burton, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary