COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee March 3, 2015 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
March 3, 2015
2:00 p.m.
2014-15 #8
E. Towell (chair), A. Dzuranin, J. Johnson, J. Burton, V. Krishnan, C. Petersen, C. Higgins,
A. Buhrow, L. Marcellus
A. Singh
T. Bishop, E. Klonoski, S. Marsh
Action on Minutes
Minutes from the Seventh Meeting, February 17, 2015, were approved with one revision.
Data Analytics
It was announced the discussion on data analytics will be postponed until the next meeting,
March 24.
Survey of UBUS 311
Course Preparation
The committee continued its review of UBUS 311. Responding to the suggestion made at
the last meeting, a sample survey was distributed which will ask students currently enrolled
in UBUS 311 to list the number of hours spent outside class preparing for each of the course
topics/assignments/projects. The survey will be anonymous. UBUS 311 team leaders will
also be asked to respond to the survey with the number of hours they anticipate students
spend. The survey will be finalized at the next meeting and administered to students at the
end of this semester.
PLUS Baccalaureate
Terry Bishop and Ed Klonoski, members of the PLUS task force, were invited to the meeting
to give a detailed update on the PLUS baccalaureate curriculum which will begin to roll out
in Fall 2015. New components of the general education program were outlined including a
requirement for two upper-division writing courses, transcripting non-credit engaged
learning activities, and a career success course. An option students will have is a thematic
pathway (focus or minor), described as a body of course work drawn from three knowledge
domains that examines a theme from different disciplinary perspectives. Sarah Marsh
attended today’s meeting to explain a pathway she is helping to create surrounding the topic
of innovation and creativity.
Committee members were asked to think about how to fulfill the upper-level writing
requirement within their major, the possibility of proposing again a financial literacy course
which could satisfy the quantitative literacy foundation, and additional ways the college can
get involved in the PLUS initiative.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: March 24, 2015
James Burton, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary