EO 2014-10 Sponsored by:

EO 2014-10
An Executive Order for: Appointment of Jared Heitz to Director of Academic Affairs
Sponsored by:
President Gartman
First Reading:
Presidential Action:______________________________________________________
Kevin Gartman - President
RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government is committed to serving the
needs of the student body at the University of Northern Iowa; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: The Northern Iowa Student Government hires a Director of
Academic Affairs to work with different committees and groups around campus that focus on
academics; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That a strong academic experience is the most important
contributing factor of the college experience and to the future success of all UNI students; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That Mr. Heitz is a highly motivated academic and student
leader, and member of student organizations with an impact on the academic experience at UNI
such as the Residence Hall Association; and
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED: that Jared Heitz is appointed to the position of Director of
Academic Affairs under the Gartman-Andersen Administration.
Speaker Action:______________________________________________________
Eric Boisen - Speaker