EO 2014-09 Affairs

EO 2014-09
An Executive Order for: Appointment of Donavan Ratnasingam to Director of International
Sponsored by:
President Gartman
First Reading:
Presidential Action:______________________________________________________
Kevin Gartman - President
RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government is committed to serving the
needs of the student body at the University of Northern Iowa; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: The Northern Iowa Student Government hires a Director of
International Affairs to reach out all international students and international student
organizations at UNI to make sure that their needs are being met by the University and NISG, as
well as to represent their needs, ideas, and concerns; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That Mr. Ratnasingam is a distinguished international student
who is involved in an array of student groups and has been a vocal advocate for international
students in the past; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That Mr. Ratnasingam served as President of Student
Government in Malaysia and has significant student government experience; and
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED: That Donavan Ratnasingam is appointed to the position of
Director of International Affairs under the Gartman-Andersen Administration.
Speaker Action:______________________________________________________
Eric Boisen - Speaker