SSR 2015-03

SSR 2015-03
A Resolution for:
Remembering the Life of UNI Student Jared Trimble
Sponsored by:
Senator Friel, Senator Mellinger, Senator Kelly
First Reading:
April 23, 2014
Speaker Action: ______________________________________________________________
Eric Boisen – Speaker
WHEREAS: The Northern Iowa Student Government recognizes the life of UNI student Jared
Trimble; and
RECOGNIZING: that Jared was a model UNI student who had made the Dean’s List every
semester as an environmental science major; and
RECOGNIZING: that his professors and friends knew he had a future full of opportunities; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: that he will be missed by the UNI community; thus
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: that the Northern Iowa Student Government expresses its
deepest sympathies to Jared Trimble’s family and friends, the UNI College of Humanities, Arts
and Sciences and all others who loved him very much; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the original copy of this resolution be presented to Jared
Trimble’s immediate family, and that copies be sent to all appropriate places at the Speaker’s