BUS 3382 - the Sorrell College of Business at Troy University

MKT3361—Principles of Marketing
Summer 2012
Description: A managerial focus on the external environments and decision elements
of marketing (promotion, price, product, distribution) faced by marketing management at
the corporate and entrepreneurial levels of business.
Class Information
Office Hours:
Doris N. Wright
BG 238-H
Class Time:
Class Location:
8:00 – 10:20 MTWTh
BG 245
M-Th: 10:30-11:30
Or by appointment
Purpose: To provide a broad foundation of marketing principles. Marketing majors can
use this foundation when studying in advanced marketing courses. Non-marketing
majors will need knowledge of these principles to coordinate properly other areas of
business with the marketing function. Core requirement for all undergraduate business
Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. List and describe the components of marketing.
2. Explain the role of marketing in society and its functions within individual
3. Discuss the components of marketing, its role, and its functions in terms of macroand microeconomics.
4. Describe the marketing process, considering the different perspectives of the firm,
competitors, and society in marketing decision-making processes.
Approved Text
Lamb, C.W., Hair, J. F., McDaniel, C. (2012). MKTG (5.). Mason, OH: South-Western
Publishing Co.
Sorrell College of Business Vision Statement
Sorrell College of Business will be the first choice for higher business education students in their
quest to succeed in a dynamic and global economy. Sorrell College of Business will create the
model for 21st century business education and community service.
MKT 3361
Sorrell College of Business Mission Statement
Through operations that span the State of Alabama, the United States, and the world, Sorrell
College of Business equips our students with the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies
to become organizational and community leaders who make a difference in the global village
and global economy. Through this endeavor, we serve students, employers, faculty, and Troy
University at large as well as the local and global communities.
Course Requirements
 Attendance at all class sessions, and participation in class discussion are required.
Each student is expected to be an active participant and make meaningful contributions.
 Students are expected to complete all assignments when due. Late work will not be
 Written exams will be given.
Assignment of Grades and Method of Evaluation
There will be seven written exams using MC, TF, SA questions. Do not think that the lightnatured tone of the class will be reflected in the tests or the grading standards. Grades will be
awarded on the 90% = A, 80% = B…
Final Grades are determined using total points:
In Class Activities/Assignments
A = 90% of total points possible
B = 80% of total points possible
C = 70% of total points possible
D = 60% of total points possible
F = less that 60% of total points possible
Make-Up Policy
It is usually beneficial to show up to class and show up on time. Quizzes and in class exercises
cannot be made up. If you know ahead of time you will miss a scheduled test for school
activities, arrange with me a time you can take the test early. I do not drop a test.
Class Procedure
The method of instruction for the class will consist of lecture and discussion activities. It is
essential that each student prepare for class to insure active participation. Please respect the
rights of others to express their views and provide the setting for meaningful discussions.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory. Students must attend all classes during the course. No automatic
absences are authorized. Excessive absences will be reported to appropriate university
officials. Arrangements for excused absences must be made PRIOR to the absence. It is the
responsibility of the student to obtain all information and materials presented during his/her
Incomplete Grade Policy
An incomplete grade indicates that the student has not completed all of the assigned class work
or has not taken all class examinations. Only the instructor can determine whether an
incomplete grade is justified. It will not be automatically assigned, but rather must be requested
MKT 3361
by the student by submitting to the instructor the Petition for and Work to Remove an
Incomplete Grade form. A grade of incomplete may not be removed by repeating the course.
It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor regarding the deadline for completing all
course requirements. Any student who receives a grade of “Incomplete” must adhere to the
work completion deadline set by the instructor, not to exceed the end of the following term. This
deadline applies whether or not the student re-enrolls for the semester following the assignment
of the incomplete grade(s). Failure to clear the incomplete within the specified time period will
result in the assignment of a grade of F for the course.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal
access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are
not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate
documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and
potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations.
Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the link for Troy
University’s Office of Human Resources at
Cell Phone and Other Electronic Device
Use of any electronic devise by students in the instructional environment is prohibited unless
explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis by the instructor of record or by the Office of
Disability Services in collaboration with the instructor. Cellular phones, pagers, and other
communication devices may be used for emergencies, however, sending or receiving nonemergency messages is forbidden by the University. Use of a communication device to violate
the Troy University “Standards of Conduct” will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
In order to receive emergency messages from the University or family members, devices must
be in the vibration mode or other unobtrusive mode of indication. Students receiving calls that
they believe to be emergency calls must answer quietly without disturbing the teaching
environment. If the call is an emergency, they must move unobtrusively and quietly from the
instructional area and notify the instructor as soon as reasonably possible. Students who are
expecting an emergency call should inform the instructor before the start of the instructional
Standards of Conduct
The commission of or the attempt to commit any cheating and/or plagiarism are in violation of
the Standard of Conduct at Troy University, and may be disciplined up to and including
suspension and expulsion. Plagiarism is the passing off of the thoughts or works of another as
one’s own. Plagiarism involves giving the impression that a person has thought, written, or
produced something that has, in fact, been borrowed from another. Plagiarism may result from
poor technique of citation or more serious cases as: copying the work of another person;
submitting the work of another person; or closely paraphrasing a piece of work without due
Depending on the circumstances, the penalty imposed for plagiarism may include warning,
resubmission, loss of points, failure on a particular assignment or course, or a charge of
misconduct to be dealt with by Troy University.
MKT 3361
Syllabus Changes
The instructor may make amendments to this syllabus. Students absent on that day are
responsible for syllabus changes, like they are for homework and other assignments.
Daily Assignments
This class will follow the University calendar for all drop dates and holidays.
Below are the currently scheduled dates for all lectures and tests; flexibility may be required.
Class Date
Tentative Class Activity
Orientation; Introduction to Course; Chapter 1
Chapters 2-3
Chapters 4-5
Exam 1; Chapter 6
Chapters 7-8
Chapters 8-9
Exam 2; Discussion of Chapter 10
Chapter 11-12
Exam 3; Chapter 13
Chapter 14-15
Exam 4
Chapter 16-17
Chapter 17-18
Exam 5; Chapter 19
Chapter 19-20
Chapter 22
Final Exam