
University of Windsor
Odette School of Business
Statistical Quality Design and Control 73-305
Fall 2003
Assignment 1
Maximum Points 30
Due: Wednesday, Sep 17, in the beginning of the class.
General note: Please write your name and student ID on the front page of the
assignment. Make sure to show your work, as most of the marks will be given for
correctly setting up solutions. You may discuss the problems with other students, but you
must hand in your own work, in your own words.
1. (4 points) Problem 1.12, p. 22 (specifications for operating a hotel)
2. (6 points) Problem 3.9, p. 104 (Pareto chart for the security office of an apartment
3. (7 points) Create a why-why diagram for Problem 3.4, p. 103 (bike theft)
4. (7 points) Create a force-field diagram for Problem 3.17, p. 107 (mail-order
5. (6 points) Problem 3.28c, p. 109 (cause and effect diagram for a supermarket)
1. For Problem 3 and 4, make use of the solutions to Problems 3.24 and 3.17
respectively. See the solutions from the instructor’s solution manual, which is available
from the library course reserve.
2. The above problems and page numbers refer to the 3rd edition text. If you use the 2nd
edition, the following are the problem and page numbers.
1. (4 points) Problem 1.17, p. 19 (specifications for operating a hotel)
2. (6 points) Problem 3.8, p. 99 (Pareto chart for the security office of an apartment
3. (7 points) Create a why-why diagram for Problem 3.3, p. 98 (bike theft)
4. (7 points) Create a force-field diagram for Problem 3.14, p. 100 (mail-order
5. (6 points) Problem 3.21c, p. 103 (cause and effect diagram for a supermarket)