2nd Grade Weekly Study Guide-- Lesson 7 Gus and Grandpa and the Two-Wheeled Bike Spelling Words 1. pay 2. mail 3. paint 4. day 5. rain 6. stay 7. sail 8. way 9. train 10. tray 11. mailbox 12. highway 13. daytime 14. raindrop 15. crayon Reading Skill To use story details and prior knowledge to make predictions. Writing Skill To read and respond to directions as a model for writing. To develop ideas and topics for writing. Story Vocabulary Words and Sentences Ask your child to read each sentence aloud to you. The bike path has a curve. Grandma is coming to dinner tonight. Legs bend at the knee. Everyone laughed at it. I heard the story a million times. Ice cream is the best idea in the world. Robust Vocabulary Words and Definitions Rickety-old and shaky Rattling-making short knocking sounds Prying-opening with a crowbar or other tool Impatiently-upset that you have to wait Romp-move around playfully Defeated-fell as if you have lost Jubilant-feeling joyful and happy Master-learn to do something well