Population-Weighted Mean Distance to Large Supermarket

Population-Weighted Mean Distance to Large Supermarket
Mean distance (km) for each county is weighted by census block group populations. Class intervals
in the map are based on quantiles.
Distance (km)
0.04 - 4.6
4.6 - 6.9
6.9 - 8.9
8.9 - 11.5
11.5 - 17.4
17.4 - 32.1
32.1 - 187.8
Metropolitan Areas
Michimi, A. and Wimberly, M.C. (2010). Associations of supermarket accessibility with obesity and fruit and vegetable consumption in the
conterminous United States. International Journal of Health Geographics 9,49. http://globalmonitoring.sdstate.edu/obesity (1/04/2011)