Becker, Beltrami, Carlton, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Koochiching

County Sustainable Forest Management
Certification Co-Operative
County Certification
Management Team:
Beltrami County
Greg Snyder
October 8, 2009
Carlton County
Greg Bernu
Clearwater County
Bruce Cox
Crow Wing County
Mark Liedl
Koochiching County
Dennis Hummitzsch
CSFMCC Cooperative Members
From: Greg Snyder
Minutes of CSFMCC – August 26, 2009
Greg Bernu convened the meeting at 10:15 a.m. at Beltrami Co NRM office in
Bemidji, MN.
Members Present: Greg Bernu; Bruce Cox; Dennis Hummitzsch; Mark Liedl;
Kirk Titus; Greg Snyder.
1. Approve Minutes of August 26, 2009: Motion made and seconded to
approve the minutes as written. No discussion, all in favor, motion
2. Approve agenda: Motion made and seconded to approve the agenda as
written. No discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
3. Agenda items
Coop Name and Logo
Our name is cumbersome, let’s change it and develop a new logo. Ideas: Minnesota
County Certified Forests; Minnesota Certified County Forests; Minnesota Certified
County Forest Cooperative; Minnesota Counties Certified Forest Cooperative; G.
Bernu will send this last one off to Ron Honea and get his feedback.
Logo ideas: MN state outline behind a tree outline; MN state outline with our 5
counties outlined; Greg S. will have John winter draft a few sample logos.
SFI report: getting something together to send to SFI
Greg B. will draft report according to QMI and PWC formats and circulate for
review. Greg S. will send 2009 surveillance audit photos to Greg B. for inclusion in
Concerns about SGS contract: conversation with Ron Honea: Ron Honea,
SGS auditor is pursuing goal of getting us certified with FSC. The reporting required
by Qualifor has become more rigorous since SGS contracted with the MNCSFMCC
for auditing services. SGS will be depending on our internal audits to substantiate
their audit trail.
PPI update: Bruce talked with Bernadine at Blandin. They’re looking for a
number for what it would take to do our PPI upgrades. No guarantee for funds, but
they will look at possible funding.
Have not heard from Lee Westfield at Pro-West about their completion of PPI fixes
and a cost estimates of enhancements to proceed with Blandin.
Procedure revision, conversation with Dan Simonds -Once Dan is finished
with his SGS auditing obligations, he may be willing and would be able to review our
procedures for a price. Other possibilities: Bill Rockwell with Plumbline; Gerry
Grossman, Newberry, MI. Kirk will speak with him about the possibility.
Intro. of Kirk Titus: Welcome to Kirk, Land services supervisor for Natural
Resource Management, performing Land Commissioner duties.
Update of dovetail recreational trail project
-just hired dovetail to do rec. trail program in Crow-Wing. They will be doing a
HVCF evaluation as part of that plan.
Timing of next audit, SFI standard: January 2010 of
Draft 7 FSC revision: Which version of SFI/FSC standards are we being audited
against? Greg B. will look into this question. We want to use the old standard.
The guidance boxes in the FSC standard draft review are helpful to understand issues
of standard change.
Working with tribes, what is the process for working with tribes on cultural
resources? Coop. members have cultural Resource database from Thomas Cnidar at
the State Historic Preservation Office. When point data is identified in forest
management recon. The local tribe is contacted. Beltrami co. has documentation of
this interaction with Leech Lake. Greg S. will send pdf of letter to Greg B. for
forwarding to Ron Honea. Kirk will look at what Crow Wing has for documentation
and forward to Greg B.
Re-assign Chip Lohmeier’s Procedures: LD-PS4 –Kirk Titus; LD-OP8- Greg
Snyder; LD-MS2 –Greg Bernu; LD-MS3- Bruce Cox; LD-MS5- Greg Snyder; LDPS3 Dennis Hummitszsch; all Mark Liedl procedures reassigned to Kirk Titus. Greg
S. will follow up on making these name changes to the procedures.
FSC chain of custody requirements for consumer scale tickets: Dennis H. will
check with Aitkin or Lake County to find this out.
Next meeting: 10:00 a.m., November 19, 2009, Beltrami Co. NRM office
Minutes submitted by: Greg Snyder, Beltrami County.